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Samuel Butler was the pioneer of the reaction as far as the casting out was concerned; but the issue was confused by the physiologists, who were divided on the question into Mechanists and Vitalists.

For the mechanists are undoubtedly right in this, thatentelechy,” “the idea of the whole,” “co-operation,” “guidance,” “psychical factors,” and the like, are only names for riddles, and do not in themselves constitute knowledge.

Many of these are artists, painters, architects, mechanists, antiquarians, people who look up to him for patronage none of them permitted to be hangers on or parasites; his manners perfectly kind and courteous, yet such as to command respect; and I never heard any one attempt to flatter him. I never saw an author less of an author in his habits.

One night the little opera of the Two Little Savoyards was given; in the market scene every one, even the mechanists, might go up to help in filling the stage; I heard them say so, and rouging myself a little, I went happily up with the others.

Along with Virchow, we must name another of the older generation, the physiologist William Preyer, who combatedvitalism,” “dualism,” andmechanismwith equal vehemence, and issued a manifesto, already somewhat solemn and official, againstvital force.” And yet he must undoubtedly be regarded as a vitalist by mechanists and vitalists alike.

The mechanists help themselves out with crude analogies from the mechanical, conceal the problem with the nameirritability,” and thus get rid of the greatest marvels.

You love your land as you love a person in whose veins and yours kindred blood runs, because it is hardly possible to do otherwise. The land gave me life, that is all; I never knew till lately that it was anything to be thankful for. It is not sufficiently a country to kindle enthusiasm; it has no national life, you know, is an automaton put through its motions by paid and cunning mechanists.

Some will account for the position of each filing by the action exerted upon it by the neighboring filings: these are the mechanists. Others will prefer to think that a plan of the whole has presided over the detail of these elementary actions: they are the finalists.

This favor the finalists consider as dispensed to them all at once, by the final cause; the mechanists claim to obtain it little by little, by the effect of natural selection; but both see something positive in this coördination, and consequently something fractionable in its cause, something which admits of every possible degree of achievement.

On the other hand, it may be pointed out to our mechanists who believe in mechanism to the bitter end, that even if man can be described entirely as a mere transformer of energy, there is no reason why he cannot also be described as a transformer of energy plus someone who makes use of the transformer and of the energy transformed.