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Take the gentleman What is your name, my little father?" "Petr' Andréjïtch." "Take Petr' Andréjïtch to Séméon Kouzoff's. The rascal let his horse get into my kitchen garden. Is everything in order, Maximitch?" "Thank heaven! all is quiet," replied the Cossack. "Only Corporal Prokoroff has been fighting in the bathhouse with the woman Oustinia Pegoulina for a pail of hot water."

Maximitch has promised me he will ensure it reaching you. Palashka has also heard Maximitch say that he often sees you from afar in the sorties, and that you do not take care of yourself, nor think of those who pray God for you with tears.

It's not my fault if you are stupid and don't understand even now. You are offended and you are spiteful and that's what explains all your generation." "You're a goose!" said the major. "And you are a fool!" "You can call me names!" "Excuse me, Kapiton Maximitch, you told me yourself you don't believe in God," Liputin piped from the other end of the table.

Be ready, place sentries, let there be night patrols in case of attack, shut the gates, and turn out the troops. You, Maximitch, keep a sharp eye on the Cossacks; look to the cannon, and let it be well cleansed; and, above all, let everything be kept secret. Let no one in the fort know anything until the time comes." After thus giving his orders, Iván Kouzmitch dismissed us.

"Iwán Ignatiitch," said the Commandant's wife to the little one-eyed man, "you must decide between Prokoroff and Oustinia which is to blame, and punish both of them; and you, Maximitch, go, in heaven's name! Petr' Andréjïtch, Maximitch will take you to your lodging." I took leave.

"You know it is very easy to say that. The scoundrel seems in force, and we have but a hundred and thirty men, even counting the Cossacks, on whom we must not count too much, be it said, without any reproach to you, Maximitch." The "ouriadnik" smiled. "Nevertheless, let us do our duty, gentlemen.

"Maximitch," the Commandant's wife said to him, "find a quarter for this officer, and a clean one." "I obey, Vassilissa Igorofna," replied the "ouriadnik." "Ought not his excellency to go to Iwán Poléjaïeff?" "You are doting, Maximitch," retorted the Commandant's wife; "Poléjaïeff has already little enough room; and, besides, he is my gossip; and then he does not forget that we are his superiors.

"Good day, Maximitch," said I, "is it long since you left Bélogorsk?" "No, not long, my little father, Petr' Andréjïtch; I only came back yesterday. I have a letter for you." "Where is it?" I cried, overjoyed. "I have got it," rejoined Maximitch, putting his hand into his breast. "I promised Palashka to give it to you." He handed me a folded paper, and immediately darted off at full gallop.

I bowed down at Vasya's feet, and said: 'We have sinned against you, Vassily Maximitch; forgive us, for Christ's sake! Then I got up and spoke to Mashenka: 'You, Marya Semyonovna, ought now to wash Vassily Maximitch's feet and drink the water.