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Updated: August 13, 2024

The conflict between two such powers arrested the attention of all Russia. Mstislaf made the most extensive preparations for the attack upon the Novgorodians, and they, in their turn, were equally energetic in preparations for the defense. The army marched from Moscow, and following the valley of the Masta, entered the spacious province of Novgorod.

Now tell what you choose, and don't be afraid of dese folks. Dis is a free country for bofe black and white. "Den I answered him straightforward like de trufe: 'Dar's nobody in de house heah but wat you kin see for axin' for 'em, as far as I knows on. Wat young gal do you 'lude to, masta? Bridget Maloney, I spose, dat Irish heifer wat does de chambers ebery mornin' and goes home ob ebenin's.

You see I was a little shaver in dem days, an' masta liked my Congo straction, an' petted me a heap, an' I never seed the cotton-field till my ole masta died; den dey put me out ob de house, because Mass Jack Dillard's father dat was my ole mistis's own step-brother's secon' son he 'cused me ob stealin' his gole pencil-case wrongfully like I had any use fur his writin' 'tensils!"

My boys had all put on their best finery, trousers, shirts, gay handkerchiefs, and had painted their hair with fresh lime. "Well, boys, are you ready?" "Yes, Masta," they answer, with conviction, though they are far from ready, as they are still tying their bundles. After waiting a while, I say, "Well, me, me go." They answer, "All right, you go." I take a few steps and wait again.

'a bird in dis han' am worf two dozen in a bush, as my ole masta used to say, wen de traders cum up to buy his corn an' cotton, an' I always sawed de dollars come down mighty quick after dat sayin' of his'n; for I used to watch round the dinin'-room pretty constant an' close in dem days, totin' in poplar-chips an' corn-cobs for kin'lin' an' litin' masta's long clay pipes none ob de common sort, I tells you an' brushin' up de harf an' keepin' off' de flies, and so forf.

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