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Vir magne, vir mirande, vir sine exemplo. Ep. 100. p. 474. Ep. 68. Cent. 2. Life, B. 2. p. 93. Life, B. 3. p. 182. Anti Baillet. c. 3. Popo Blanet, p. 746. Ep. 277. 2 Lettre du xxi. Livre, p. 831. Bibliotheque choisie, p. 461. Ep. 13. Præs. vir. p. 23. Du Maurier, p. 393. Ep. Sar. p. 145. Ep. Sar. 128. p. 143. Ep. 21. p. 24. Ep. Vossi, 728. p. 38. Vind. Grot. p. 446. Crenii Anim. phil. et hist.

The eighth livraison of the Tuileries papers has appeared; it contains two letters from General Ducrot to General Frossard, a despatch from the French Foreign-office to Benedetti, a report on France by Magne, and a letter from a prefect to Pietri.

The Limousin gentleman, who was a simple soul after all, went where he was led, and Florent Guillaume supped on the leg and wing of a goose, the bones whereof he put in his pocket as a present for Madame Ysabeau, his fellow lodger in the timbers of the steeple, to wit, Jean Magne the bell-ringer's magpie.

In the middle of a forest, near a village, the name of which I have forgotten, our General M. de Vogue told us that we were all to return to our own homes. We asked him where we should deposit the flag. Just then Commandant Magne detached it from the staff and put it in his pocket.

Knowing all this, Lord Glenvarloch, though a courtier of only five minutes' standing, had address enough to reply "Vivum quidem, haud diu est, hominem videbam vigere autem quis dicat qui sub fulminibus eloquentiae tuae, rex magne, jamdudum pronus jacet, et prostratus?"

We saw Commandant Magne loose the flag from its staff, roll it up and put it in his pocket. We asked the general what we were to do with our arms; he replied that we were to keep both them and our ammunition, as we should find them of use. Upon this, our chiefs left us, and we all got away as best we could."

I went up to it, I recognized the type of the National Printing Office, and I read, "Interior M. de Morny. "War The General of Division St. Arnaud. "Foreign Affairs M. de Turgot. "Justice M. Rouher. "Finance M. Fould. "Marine M. Ducos. "Public Works M. Magne. "Public Instruction M.H. Fortuol. "Commerce M. Lefebre-Duruflé." I tore down the bill, and threw it into the gutter!