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And in the end he went with them to show them the very spot where he had sat down beside the rath, and there they left the little hunchback, and told him to do everything just as Lusmore had done it. "He sat there listening for a long time and heard nothing, and so at last he went to sleep, and then all at once he was awakened by hearing the Good People singing in the rath.

Then one of the Good People said to him, 'Lusmore, where is your hump now? "And he felt behind him for it, and it was not on his back at all. 'Look down on the floor, said the one that had spoken to him, again. And he looked down, and there was his hump, lying on the floor before him.

"But one of the Good People shouted: 'You'll get what Lusmore had, then; it was a hump on the back that Lusmore had, and we took it off him, but we don't want it and it's easy to give it to you. Be lively there now, some of you, and hand that hump down here.

"'It's obliged to you I am for your kindness, gentlemen, said Lusmore, 'but if you'ld do what would please me most in all the world, it's not giving me anything you'ld be, but taking something from me, and that's this hump that I have on my back. "'That's easy done, said the one of them that had spoken before; 'come on now and dance with us.

And they were singing much better now than when Lusmore heard them first, for they had the song now as he had improved it for them, and they were singing: Da Luan, da Mort, Da Luan, da Mort, Da Luan, da Mort, Augus da Cadine.

And one of them shouted: 'What shall we do to him for spoiling our tune? and another said: 'Ask him what he wants us to do for him! and another said: 'What do you want from us, anyway? "And he just found breath enough to say: 'I want the same that Lusmore had, meaning by that he wanted them to reward him the same way they did Lusmore.

"As he went on he sang a little louder and a little louder, till by and by the Good People in the rath began to listen to hear who or what it was that was singing their song with them, and then they caught the line that Lusmore had added.

"So all at once Lusmore saw a door open in the rath, close beside him, and a great light streaming out, and then there was the sound of wings all around him, and next he saw the forms of the Good People pouring out and flying and whirling around him like a swarm of butterflies.

"And why didn't the one of them get the same reward as the other? Sure he did the same as the other in lengthening the song for the fairies, didn't he?" "He did the same in a way," Mrs. O'Brien answered, "but not for the same reason. Lusmore helped them with the song because he thought they might be the better for his help, and that was all the reason.

"Then they all began dancing again and Lusmore with them, till he felt tired and then dizzy, and then he fell to the ground, and he knew nothing more till he awoke in the morning and found himself lying on the ground outside the rath, where he had sat down to rest the night before.