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Updated: August 5, 2024

The anterior border which is directed obliquely downward and backward becomes blended with the anterior lateral ligament of the coffin joint. According to Smith : These structures form an elastic wall to the sensitive foot, and attachment to the vascular laminae; they also admit of increase in width occurring at the posterior part of the foot without destroying the union of the two set of leaves.

From the first the wound healed rapidly, for Vic's blood was perfectly pure, the mountain air a tonic which strengthened him, and his food and care of the best. The high-powered rifle bullet whipped cleanly through his shoulder, breaking no bone and tearing no ligament, and the flesh closed swiftly.

From any occasional cause, the thecal ligament, the membranes, or the medulla itself, may pass into the state of simple excitement or irritation, which may be gradually succeeded by such a local afflux and determination of blood into the minute vessels, as may terminate in actual but slow inflammation.

If it were not so, there would be no hope, in my breast, of peaceful deliverance of the latter class from their bondage. Our liberties are bound together by a ligament as vital as that which unites the Siamese twins. The blow which cuts them asunder, will inevitably destroy them both.

Not a line upon any bone in the skeleton which was not made by the hand-grip or thumbprint of some muscle, tendon, or ligament; no bump or knuckle which is not a lever or hand-hold for the grip of some muscle; not a line or a curve or an opening in that Chinese puzzle, the skull, which was not made to protect the brain, to accommodate an eye, to transmit a blood-vessel, or to allow the escape of a nerve.

It was nothing less than a double Man-Bird lashed together breast to breast by a natural ligament, and labeled with the untranslatable words, "Siamese Twins." The official report concerning this thing closed thus: "Wherefore it appears that there were in old times two distinct species of this majestic fowl, the one being single and the other double. Nature has a reason for all things.

I would now ask through what mechanism it happens that exactly these movements result from these feelings, that just these organs are affected by these passions? Might I not just as well want to know why a certain wounding of the ligament should stiffen the lower jaw?

While bearing weight, there is assumed a position of slight dorsal flexion, undue flexion being checked by the inhibitory apparatus of the joint check ligaments, and their tendons and the suspensory ligament. The inhibitory apparatus of the fetlock joint is materially reinforced by the proximal sesamoid bones.

And so with the bones of the arm; they are connected to one another by ligaments; but to the trunk only by muscle, excepting at one end of the collar-bone. "But this was a very significant fact. Ligament decays much more slowly than muscle, so that in a body of which the muscles had largely decayed the bones might still be held together by ligament.

The stemmed and lower division of the echinoderms was represented by a primitive type, the CYSTOID, so called from its saclike form, A small globular or ovate "calyx" of calcareous plates, with an aperture at the top for the mouth, inclosed the body of the animal, and was attached to the sea bottom by a short flexible stalk consisting of disks of carbonate of lime held together by a central ligament.

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