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XVIII. Quanquam severa illic matrimonia; nec ullam morum partem magis laudaveris: nam prope soli barbarorum singulis uxoribus contenti sunt, exceptis admodum paucis, qui non libidine, sed ob nobilitatem, plurimis nuptiis ambiuntur, Dotem non uxor marito, sed uxori maritus offert.

In men, corresponding to the more copious secretion in women, there is, during the latter stages of tumescence, a slight secretion of mucus Fürbringer's urethrorrhoea ex libidine which appears in drops at the urethral orifice. It comes from the small glands of Littré and Cowper which open into the urethra.

Notice homini 'man', in the same sense as hominibus, above. MUNERI AC DONO: the two words munus and donum are often found together; the difference in meaning is hardly perceptible. Donum implies the fact of giving, munus the generosity of the giver. TAM ... INIMICUM: notice the separation of tam from inimicum. LIBIDINE: = επιθυμια; temperantia = σωφροσυνη.

It was an ugly, unscrupulous deed; but there is no need to exaggerate its heinousness, as is constantly done, upon no better authority than Guicciardini's, who wrote that the murder had been committed "saziata prima la libidine di qualcuno."

In the first book of his Annals he gives the following account of it in these words: Primus Augustus cognitionem de famosis libellis, specie legis ejus, tractavit; commotus Cassii Severi libidine, qua viros faeminasque illustres procacibus scriptis diffamaverat.

"Profecto fortuna in omni re dominatur: ea res cunctas ex libidine magis, quhm ex vero, celebrat, obscuratque." So to order it that actions may be known and seen is purely the work of fortune; 'tis chance that helps us to glory, according to its own temerity. I have often seen her go before merit, and often very much outstrip it.

These Fathers are fathers of the worst sort, such as contrive to keep their children in a perpetual state of infancy, that they may exercise perpetual and absolute dominion over them. "Quo magis regnum in illos exerceant pro sua libidine."