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Updated: August 11, 2024

John de Luze sente the laste yere to solicite the Frenche Kinge and his Counsell to plante there. And nowe our neighboures, the men of St Maloe in Brytaine, in the begynnynge of Auguste laste paste of this yere 1584. are come home with five shippes from Canada and the contries upp the Bay of St.

Know the wai to my own door, at laste; and have a raight to goo there." And he shut me out without so much as offering me a drink of cider.

"Bad luck to ye, Bevan!" exclaimed Flinders, who had also taken aim at it, but not with sufficient speed, "isn't that always the way ye do? plucks the baste out o' me very hand. Sure I had me sights lined on it as straight as could be; wan second more an' I'd have sent a bullet right into its brain, when crack! ye go before me. Och! it's onkind, to say the laste of it.

Chap. XV. That spedie plantinge in divers fitt places is moste necessarie upon these laste luckye westerne discoveries, for feare of the danger of beinge prevented by other nations which have the like intention, with the order thereof, and other reasons therewithall alleaged.

"So another greater scholar agin came to yry Tim, and did thry him, and Tim made a hare of him, before all that was in the place five or six thousand ladies and gintlemen, at laste!

Know the wai to my own door, at laste; and have a raight to goo there. And he shut me out without so much as offering me a drink of cider.

"Why, it ends in this," said Desborough; "that I myself am Earl of Covetown, Viscount Slievedonad, and Baron Avoca, with twenty thousand a year, me darlin, the laste penny; see to there now." "Brogue again," said Alice. "Are you joking?" "True enough," said Desborough. And there's a thousand pounds paid into the Bank of New South Wales to my account. Pretty good proof that last, eh?"

Have you the receipted bills for the fodder during the last six months?" "Yes, sor. The master always sent me wid the money to pay the bills." "You have got the receipts?" "The which, sor?" "The bills receipted." "Bills, sure, what's the good of keepin' bills, sor, when the money's paid. I b'lave they're somewhere in an ould crock in the stable, at laste that's where I saw thim last."

"I haven't the laste objection agin payin' my respects to the magistrate's paper, but somehow I don't like tastin' the priest's in a falsity." "Don't you know," said the Big Mower, "that with a magistrate's present, it's ever an' always only the Tistament by law that's used. I myself wouldn't kiss the mass-book in a falsity."

Thady," said Corney; "'deed but this is a bad place for you to come to; sorrow a light for ye or the laste thing in life; what for did you not get a light, you ould hag, when the masther came in?" "A light is it, Corney; and how was I to be getting a light, when there's not been a sighth of a bit of candle in the place since last winter, nor likely to be the way you're going on now."

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