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Sometimes it seems like I’ll never get a job where I don’t have to fight Connies." Rip was trained in science and Planeteer techniques and he didn’t pretend to know the ins and outs of interplanetary politics. Just the same, he couldn’t help wondering about the strange relationship between the Consolidation of People’s Governments and the Federation of Free Nations.

They cannot cross to other worlds, save in small ships driven solely by fire, which the Thessians have called a 'hopelessly inefficient and laughably awkward thing to ride in." "Rockets," grinned Morey. "Our first ship was part rocket." Zezdon Fentes smiled. "But that is all. We have brought you warning, and our plea. Can you help us?" "We cannot answer that. The Interplanetary Council must act.

I learned that some believe they are interplanetary, some think they're a U.S. weapon, and many just don't know. But very few are laughing off the good sightings. By May 1950 the flying saucer business had hit a new all-time peak. The Air Force didn't take any side, they just shrugged. There was no attempt to investigate and explain the various sightings.

We realize wherein the mistaken selfhood hath become the only begotten of the Father, but the revelation is too much, and too little. Again, we see the Earth as the vital function of the interplanetary being. It is composed of substance termed matter, which substance is the aggregation of countless atoms, which science has not, and never can, resolve into their individual selves.

Do away with it and you are obliged to people the world and burden your life with a host of hypothetical and imaginary beings: gods, demigods, angels, demons, saints, spirits, shells, elementals, etherial entities, interplanetary intelligences and so on; except it and all those phantoms, without disappearing, for they may very well continue to live in its shadow, become superfluous or accessory.

"Five years ago I led the Grendon Expedition to explore interplanetary space in the space-ship I had invented. I've come back alone." It was amazing to watch long-overlaid memories struggling up through the subconscious. At last the giant spoke. "Oh, yes," he said meditatively, "I seem to remember something about it." He surveyed Hilary with a new interest. "So you were one of those chaps, eh?"

The Akor-Neb civilization is of a fairly high culture-order, even for Second Level. An atomic-power, interplanetary culture; gravity-counteraction, direct conversion of nuclear energy to electrical power, that sort of thing. We buy fine synthetic plastics and fabrics from them." He fingered the material of his smartly-cut green police uniform. "I think this cloth is Akor-Neb.

We found in the Lone City some eight of the interplanetary vehicles most of them almost entirely completed. The fact that Tao had abandoned them so readily made us believe he had others in the Dark City. There seemed a curious lack of appliances for protection against the ray.

The princess knew that the power of Wilcox, his supporting oligarchy and the interplanetary bankers, was all based on the skilful use of propaganda. If the people of Mars and of Earth knew the forces that were influencing them, their revulsion would be swift and terrible. There would be no war.

Thence to Venus, where Dol Kenor, the electrical wizard, and Pyraz Amonar, the master of mechanism, also readily agreed to accompany the expedition. He then called the General-in-Chief of the Interplanetary Police, requesting a detail of two hundred picked men for the hazardous venture.