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Updated: August 21, 2024

It is apt to spring airily over the middle term to the conclusion, leaving something in the likeness of a ditch across the path of our slower intelligences, which look about them and think twice before taking the leap. Courage! there are always fresh woods and pastures new on the other side. A curious reflection has more than once flashed upon our minds as we lingered with Mr.

On these conditions I will bring thee to the palace of subterranean fire; there shalt thou behold in immense depositories the treasures which the stars have promised thee, and which will be conferred by those Intelligences whom thou shalt thus render propitious.

In such cases all that the physician can do is to establish outward conditions that will favor the co-operative labors of these tiny intelligences. The conclusion to be drawn from all this is obvious. For, if every individual and ultimate part of the body is a mind organism, it is very apparent that the body as a whole is peculiarly adapted to control and direction by mental influences.

This was the only B. that she seemed to know anything about.... "Yours sincerely, This impression tends to grow deeper with farther study. We have had a cross-correspondence between two incarnate intelligences and one apparently postcarnate. Mr. Piddington has unearthed a cross-correspondence between one apparently postcarnate intelligence and seven "living" ones.

Never before in the experiences of the intelligences of heaven, had such dire events been foreshadowed. A crisis was certainly at hand. Lucifer was fast gaining influence among the spirits and they had their agency to follow whom they would. The revolting spirit had skill in argument; and the light-minded, the discontented, and the rebellious were won over.

Astaroth crawls over the cards to get the food the client holds for him, and those two wonderful intelligences are never mistaken. Will you see them at work? you will then know your future. The cost is a hundred francs." Gazonal, horrified by the gaze of Astaroth, rushed into the antechamber, after bowing to the terrible old woman.

We know, he says, nothing but force; and as the only force of which we have any immediate knowledge is mind-force, the inference is "that the whole universe is not merely dependent on, but actually is, the will of higher intelligences, or of one Supreme Intelligence." This is a transition from virtual materialism to idealistic pantheism. The effect of this admission on the part of Mr.

"I think you are unfeeling, mamma; that's flat!" was Gwen's unceremonious rejoinder. The Countess repeated the last word impassively. It was rather as though she said to Space: "Here is an expression. If you are by way of containing any Intelligences capable of supplying an explanation, I will hear them impartially."

Think you, Philip, that this world is solely peopled by such dross as we are? things of clay perishable and corruptible? Lords over beasts and ourselves but little better. Have you not, from your own sacred writings, repeated acknowledgments and proofs of higher intelligences mixing up with mankind and acting here below?

Though its own ears are deaf as adders', it is the nursery of poets, who sing not for their own countrymen, but for the higher sensibilities and newer intelligences of lands, in which philanthropy has made education as common as the air that is breathed."

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