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If there be no officer of the guard, the adjutant inspects the guard. A noncommissioned officer commanding the guard takes post on the right of the right guide when the guard is in line, and takes the post of the officer of the guard when in column or passing in review.

To keep order, the King appoints a judge, who, with four officers well armed, inspects the markets, hears all complaints, and, in a summary way, decides all differences; he has power to seize, and sell as slaves, all who are catched in stealing, or disturbing the peace.

The Adjutant General of the Army, who has under him a large force of clerks, has the duty of issuing orders, conducting the correspondence of the department, and keeping the record. The Inspector-General inspects and reports upon the condition of the army at all points, and the accounts of the disbursing officers.

The grave grows deeper and an empty space appears, but the coveted object does not descend, retained as it is by the cross-bar which the two forks keep in place. The digging slackens, the hesitations become prolonged. However, one of the grave-diggers ascends to the surface, wanders over the Mole, inspects him and ends by perceiving the hinder strap. Tenaciously he gnaws and ravels it.

Softly the May rain falls on Linwood, where the fresh green grass is springing and the early spring flowers blooming, and where Katy, fairest flower of all, stands for a moment in the deep bay window of the library, listening dreamily to the patter on the tin roof overhead, and gazing wistfully down the road, as if watching for some one, then turning, she enters the dining-room and inspects the supper table, shining with silver, and laid for six, for her mother, Aunt Hannah and Aunt Betsy are visiting her this rainy afternoon, while Morris, on his return from North Silverton, where he has gone to see a patient, is to call for Uncle Ephraim, who, in clean linen, checked gingham neck handkerchief and the swallow-tailed coat which has served him for so many years, sits waiting at home, with one kitten in his lap and another on his shoulder.

If the bedding has been aired, it should be taken in immediately after drill and placed in the tents neatly folded. Some time during the morning, at a time designated by him, the company commander inspects the entire company camp.

You will also reconnoiter the stream for a distance of 1 mile both above and below the bridge for fords suitable for infantry. Messages will reach me here. Return by 8 o'clock to-night." Sergeant B then inspects his men and gives them their instructions. The patrol is then formed and moves out exactly as it would under actual war conditions.

One inspects the Thing in Being with something of the diffident speculation of primitive man, peering from behind a tree at an angry elephant. On how many occasions must that ancestor of ours have had just the Utopist's feeling of ambitious unreality, have decided that on the whole it was wiser to go very quietly home again, and leave the big beast alone?

Judy made a movement like a swan that inspects the world behind its back. She tried to look everywhere at once. It seemed she did so. "Gracious me!" she cried. She instinctively chose prohibited words. "My gracious me!" For the places of the world had marvellously shifted and run into one another somehow.

As a matter of fact, I was just about to seek your valuable advice on the subject." "Shoot it, then," says I. "Who's the party?" He explores his inside pockets, fishes out an envelop, and inspects it deliberate. It's sealed; but he makes no move to open it. "My next assignment in altruism," says he, holdin' it to the light. "Rich man, poor man, beggar man, thief I wonder?"