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Updated: August 7, 2024

Rising hastily she went to the wall that lay between the two recesses upon the left-hand side of the chamber and looked at the name carved there: IANE. "Whom could it mean but that unhappy lady," she mused. "Perchance it is her spirit that haunts this gloomy abode and inspires me to studious thoughts. It must be that she too was immured in this room.

In the Sunshine were sixteene men, whose names were these: Richard Pope Master, Marke Carter Masters mate, Henry Morgan Purser, George Draward, Iohn Mandie, Hugh Broken, Philip Iane, Hugh Hempson, Richard Borden, Iohn Philpe, Andrew Madock, William Wolcome, Robert Wag carpenter, Iohn Bruskome, William Ashe, Simon Ellis.

He also got leaue for Iane Ricards the widow of Doctor Bomelius a Dutchman, and physician to the Emperour, who, for treason practised with the king of Pole against the sayd Emperour, was rosted to death at the city of Mosco, in the yere 1579. These following he obteined for the behoofe of the merchants.

In this fourth yeare of king Henries reigne, ambassadors were sent ouer into Britaine, to bring from thence the duches of Britaine, the ladie Iane de Nauarre, the widow of Iohn de Montford, late duke of Britaine, surnamed the conqueror, with whom by procurators the king had contracted matrimonie.

He was the second son and gave evidence against his elder brother, Lord Montagu, who was beheaded in 1539. "IANE." This interesting inscription, repeated also in the window , has always been supposed to refer to the Lady Jane Grey, daughter of the Duke of Suffolk, and wife of Guildford Dudley, fourth son of the Duke of Northumberland.

The Beauchamp Tower stands at the middle of the west side of the fortress, built in the thirteenth century and used as a prison; there are numerous inscriptions and devices on the walls made by the prisoners. Here Lady Jane Grey's husband carved in antique letters "Iane."

Heigh passe, come aloft: euery man of you take your places, and heare Iacke Wilton tell his owne tale. Be it knowen to as many as will paie monie inough to peruse my storie, that I followed the campe or the court, or the court & the camp, when Turwin lost her maidenhead, & opened her gates to more than Iane Trosse did. Paulo maiora canamus: well, to the purpose.

But despite her best efforts the name grew all too quickly, and, as many another had done before her, she grieved when her toil was ended. was the inscription which she had carved below that of IANE. A feeling of deep depression now took possession of her that even her books failed to dispel. "If I could but see my mother," she said pleadingly to the jailor.

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