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The vengeance would be sure to follow purely Eastern lines, and would be complicated; it would no doubt take the form of siding in some way or other with his brother the Maharajah. There would be instant, active doings, for that was Mahommed Gunga's style! The fat would be in the fire months, perhaps, before the proper time. The prisoner's presence was maddening in a million ways.

They showed their chagrin and it was not very easy for young Cunningham, watching Mahommed Gunga's lordly preparations for the long up-country journey, to strike just the right attitude of pleasure at the prospect without seeming to flaunt his better fortune.

"I was content to let them toil well content," said Hanuman. "What had I to do with Gunga's anger?" said the Bull. "I am Bhairon of the Common Folk, and this my staff is Kotwal of all Kashi. I spoke for the Common People." "Thou?" The young God's eyes sparkled. "Am I not the first of the Gods in their mouths to-day?" returned Bhairon, unabashed.

His side of the sum was beyond question; but what man knew Mother Gunga's arithmetic? Even as he was making all sure by the multiplication-table, the river might be scooping a pot-hole to the very bottom of any one of those eighty-foot piers that carried his reputation. Again a servant came to him with food, but his mouth was dry, and he could only drink and return to the decimals in his brain.

His side of the sum was beyond question; but what man knew Mother Gunga's arithmetic? Even as he was making all sure by the multiplication table, the river might be scooping a pot-hole to the very bottom of any one of those eighty-foot piers that carried his reputation. Again a servant came to him with food, but his mouth was dry, and he could only drink and return to the decimals in his brain.

The question, then, was how to win the favor of the Rangars. It was not at all an easy question, for the love lost between Hindoos and Mohammedans is less than that between dark-skinned men and white a lot less. Within two hours of its happening he had been told of the capture of Ali Partab; and he knew for that was another thing his spies had told him that Ali Partab was Mahommed Gunga's man.

Jaimihr and no one but a wizard could have told how he had managed to get to where he was unobserved was riding as a man rides at a tent-peg, crouching low, full-pelt for Rosemary McClean! Cunningham's spurs went home before the word was out of Mahommed Gunga's mouth, and Mahommed Gunga raced behind him; but Jaimihr had the start of them.

There were no eyes like hers that he had ever seen, although Rewa Gunga's had been something like them. Only Rewa Gunga's had not changed so. Thought of the Rangar no sooner crossed his mind than she was speaking of him. "Rewa Gunga met you in the dark, beyond those outer curtains, did he not?" He nodded. "Did he tell you that if you pass the curtains you shall be told all I know?"

"It'll be lonely in the 'Hills. Got any more quail?" And that was all he ever did say on that subject, then or at any other time. "Here's to her!" laughed Courtenay at last, rising and holding up his glass. "We can't explain her, so let's drink to her! No heel-taps! Here's to Rewa Gunga's mistress, Yasmini!"

For you, yes! I have been weak with you, dear. I have let my selfish pleasure in having you near me overcome my sense of duty that, and my faithless fear that you would not be properly provided for. I think, too, that I have never quite induced myself to trust natives sufficiently even native gentlemen. You shall go, Rosemary. You shall go as soon as I can get word to Mahommed Gunga's man.