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Updated: August 14, 2024

That's genocide, as surely as what the Empire'll do if I fail." "Are you sure that will happen?" "How can I be sure? I'm a Ranger, not a god but I know how it affected Kranath, how it affected me. There's a chance it wouldn't hurt, I guess Traiti might not believe me. That might cushion the shock, let 'em realize gradually that it is true." He paused, feeling the dilemma.

"Telling us even that would little difference make," Hovan said quietly. "You know not how close you to victory are. In less than another year, there will no more Traiti be." The Ranger stopped where he was, deeply shocked. "Hovan, what are you saying? The Empire isn't out to commit genocide! We don't kill non-combatants on purpose!" "No such thing as noncombatants is.

Through the heroic efforts of a handful of teachers, Local Spiritual Assemblies were established among people who had survived a campaign of genocide almost beyond the capacity of the human heart to contemplate, who had lost countless loved ones as well as everything they possessed in the way of material security, but in whom still burned the longing of the human soul for spiritual truth.

"Maybe it'd be better if I told it. It goes back over four centuries. Grandfather was a clever man. After he had secured this island he became worried about the surviving Lani. He didn't want to be accused of genocide, since the Lani were so human in appearance. So he had his medical officer make a few autopsies. The M.D. reported that while there was similarity, the Lani were probably not human.

Weald was hysterically resolved to end what it considered the blueskin menace for once and for all. There were parallels to such unreasoning frenzy even in the ancient history of Earth. A word still remained in the dictionaries referring to it. Genocide. Meanwhile Calhoun worked doggedly; in the hospitals while the patients were awake and in the Med Ship under guard afterward.

"Isn't it? Yorn's been too close the Throne for too long not to know what sort of a seat it is. He'd commit any crime up to and including genocide to keep off it." She gave a quick skip to get into step with him. "Then why's he filled the Palace with these blackcoats? Is Rod all right?" "Perfectly all right; he's somewhere out in the mountains, keeping Harv Dorflay out of mischief."

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