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I didn't have it on this morning, did I?" This time Helen remembered positively. "No, you had on your lucky pin the silver four-leaved clover that I like so much. I noticed particularly." "All right then," said Betty. "I saw it last night, so it must be about somewhere. Some day when I'm not so lame from riding and so sleepy, I'll have a grand hunt for it."

Some said she was a changeling; others that she had found the four-leaved clover or the fairy ointment, and rubbed her eyes with it.

"If I'm in a scrape, I don't propose to get out of it, but rather to make you all share in it. As Amy says, her four-leaved clover will prove a true prophet, green as it looks. I now beg off, and shall prove that my scrape has not spoiled my appetite." "Well," said Leonard, "I never could find any four-leaved clovers, but I've had good luck, haven't I, Maggie?"

The staircase leads to the atrium decorated by a Corinthian portico. In the centre is the font for purifications, a huge monolithic bason in the shape of a four-leaved clover. Three doors give entrance from the atrium to the basilica, which is divided by rows of green marble columns into three aisles. The galleries spread out along the side aisles. The floor was in mosaic.

The same design is carried in silvery and gold-coloured leaded-glass across the top of the wide west window, as shown in illustration opposite page 222, and reappears with a shield-shaped arrangement of wings in a beautiful four-leaved screen.

He lives in literature by a few of his lyrics which, though often careless, are graceful and tender. He d. in poverty. Song-writer and novelist, was a painter of portraits, chiefly miniatures. He produced a number of Irish songs, of which several including The Angel's Whisper, Molly Bawn, and The Four-leaved Shamrock attained great popularity. He joined with Dickens in founding Bentley's Magazine.

Burt laid down his knife and fork, and exclaimed, "I declare, I forgot all about it!" Miss Hargrove laughed heartily as she said, "A high tribute to me!" and then made known her father's statement that the Clifford tract in the West adjoined his own, that it would soon be very valuable, and that he was interested in the railroad approaching it. "How about the four-leaved clover now?" cried Amy.

One would think that modern luxury had reached its ultimatum in the delicate refinements of dinner-giving, but each dinner-table reveals the fact that this is an inexhaustible subject. The floral world is capable of an infinity of surprises, and the last one is a cameo of flowers on a door, shaped like a four-leaved clover. The guests are thus assured of good-luck.

The three most trustworthy ones are here: Amyntas, the leech Chrysippus, and the admirable Proclus. Let us hope that you will make this three-leaved clover the luck-promising four-leaved one. Your uncle, too, has often with praiseworthy generosity helped Arsinoe in many an embarrassment.

"Ho, ho, ho!" laughed the dwarfs, for they are good-humoured little folk, and do not mind a tumble. "Ha, ha, ha!" laughed Amelia, for she had fallen with her fingers on a four-leaved clover. She put it behind her back, for the old tinker dwarf was coming up to her, wiping the mud from his face with his leathern apron. "Now for our dance!" he shrieked.