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You cannot picture to yourself the multitudes of soldiers, guards, and armed men of all sorts we watched not close to the window, however, for such havoc had been made among them by the firing from the windows, that as the battalions marched by, they cried, 'Fermez vos fenêtres! and it was very painful to watch their looks of anxiety and suspicion as they marched by."

"Do you remember what the Frenchman wrote et pain ne voyent qu'aux fenetres? There is not an enormous difference between me and the tattered rascal of Chepe, for we both stare longingly at what we most desire. And were I minded to hunt the simile to the foot of the letter, I would liken your coquetry to the intervening window-pane, not easily broken through, but very, very transparent, Anastasia."

Among the eleven poems brought together in these covers, several invited him: Les fenetres, l'epilogue and Azur; but one among them all, a fragment of the Herodiade, held him at certain hours in a spell.

You cannot picture to yourself the multitudes of soldiers, guards, and armed men of all sorts we watched not close to the window, however, for such havoc had been made among them by the firing from the windows, that as the battalions marched by, they cried, "Fermez vos fenetres!" and it was very painful to watch their looks of anxiety and suspicion as they marched by.

Un homme se plaignoit que la maison de son voisin lui otoit la vue d'une de ses fenetres; un autre lui dit, "Vous avez un remede; faites murer cette fenetre."

Le voleur n'a pas vole La belle corde de chanvre. "Greve, grouille, Greve, aboie! Pour voir la fille de joie, Prendre au gibet chassieux, Les fenetres sont des yeux. Greve, grouille, Greve, aboie!"* * Bark, Greve, grumble, Greve! Spin, spin, my distaff, spin her rope for the hangman, who is whistling in the meadow. What a beautiful hempen rope! Sow hemp, not wheat, from Issy to Vanvre.