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She was taken first to the small consulting-room, and shown various kinds of apparatus for the administration of ether, chloroform and gas, then to the waiting-room, where Phoebe poured out tea. Mrs. Lawrence Faversham, for her part, was more critical. She insisted that Mark had paid more than the furniture was worth. Much of it was fit only for the dusthole!

E. A., aged 17, was left an orphan very early in life, and adopted by her godfather, who himself was the means of her ruin at the age of 10. A girl in her teens lived with her mother in the "Dusthole," the lowest part of Woolwich. This woman forced her out upon the streets, and profited by her prostitution up to the very night of her confinement.

Even if he broke it, and threw the fragments into the dusthole, the fragments might be remarked for their beautiful blue color, and the discovery might follow. Where could he hide it? While he was still trying to answer that question, the hours of business came to an end, and the clerks were leaving the offices below. He heard them talking about the hard frost as they went out.

Nowadays, the authors that are most praised go in for what they call 'realism' and their realism is very UNreal, and very nasty. For instance, this garden, these lovely trees, this dear old house all these are real but much too romantic for a modern writer. He would rather describe a dusthole and enumerate every potato paring in it!

To these circumstances and to accidental fires we are probably indebted for the frequent preservation, in the mud around the site of the old settlements, of the most precious tools and works of art, such as would never have been thrown into the Danish "kitchen-middens," which have been aptly compared to a modern dusthole. Dr. In the fifth number of the "Natural History Review" January 9, 1862, Mr.

A girl, who was educated at college, and who had a home in which was every comfort, but who, when ruined, had fallen even to the depth of Woolwich "Dusthole," exclaimed to us indignantly "Do you think I could ever, ever do this if it weren't for the drink? I always have to be in drink if I want to sin."

DEPTHS TO WHICH THEY SINK. There is Scarcely a lower class of girls to be found than the girls of Woolwich "Dusthole" where one of our Rescue Slum Homes is established. The women living and following their dreadful business in this neighbourhood are so degraded that even abandoned men will refuse to accompany them home.

The crocodile-hide dressing-bag stood ominously on the table, and, by way of a greeting, she reminded him that he had been asked to send for it. "Confound the bag!" he retorted. "If you won't keep the thing, pitch it in the dusthole. Bridget," he continued, standing close by her side, "I want you to accept all I have in the world and myself into the bargain. I am not going to blow my own trumpet.

They were the last of all, so the king asked them if there was no one else in the kingdom who hadn't come. 'Oh, yes', said they; 'we have a brother, but he never carried off the golden apple. He hasn't stirred out of the dusthole on any of the three days. 'Never mind that', said the king; 'he may as well come up to the palace like the rest. So Boots had to go up to the palace.

A policeman never goes down this street alone at night one having died not long ago from injuries received there but our two lasses go unharmed and loved at all hours, spending every other night always upon the streets. The girls sink to the "Dusthole" after coming down several grades.