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James Nolan of Victoria has made it clear that the moon could not have subsisted as a continuous mass under the powerful disruptive strain which would have acted upon it when revolving almost in contact with the present surface of the earth; and Professor Darwin, admitting the objection, concedes to our satellite, in its initial stage, the alternative form of a flock of meteorites.

It's one challenge after another, and you'll eventually run into one you won't get back out of but in the meantime you can be damn sure you won't be bored." For a brief outline of the rebellion's consequences, see AFTRWORD Although the White Order rebellion was the shortest in Imperial history, its active phase lasting only slightly over an hour, it was the most disruptive.

The usual type of wireless telegraph transmitter employs a disruptive discharge, or spark, as it is called, for setting up the oscillating currents in the aerial wire system and this is the type of apparatus described in this chapter.

To the Director, dilemmas are painful, unnecessary, destructive, or at best disruptive. His utopian world the one he constructed for Truman is choice-free and dilemma-free. Truman is programmed not in the sense that his spontaneity is extinguished.

Their illumination by disruptive electric discharges was, however, a condition sine quâ non for the exhibition of the cometary type of spectrum. When a continuous current was employed, the carbonic oxide bands asserted themselves to the exclusion of the hydro-carbons. The distinction has great significance as regards the nature of comets.

Disruptive discharge, puncturing the lead, may occur; but the small chance of its occurring can be greatly lessened by the use of some kind of "cable protector," which will provide for the spark an artificial path of less resistance than the dielectric of the condenser, which the cable in fact becomes.

So that Christianity, even in its orthodox forms, covers various kinds of morality, and its philosophical incoherence betrays itself in disruptive movements, profound schisms, and total alienation on the part of one Christian from the inward faith of another.

I believe, therefore, that I am fully justified in saying, from my own experience, that such a complete and DISRUPTIVE OVERTURN could only have been produced by gunpowder. The destruction of the Kashmirian temples is universally attributed, both by history and by tradition, to the bigoted Sikander.

I take a tube in the hand and move it about, and it is lighted wherever I may hold it; throughout space the invisible forces act. But I may take another tube and it might not light, the vacuum being very high. I excite it by means of a disruptive discharge coil, and now it will light in the electrostatic field.

One of the most forcible of these which occurs to us is, that in the tubular system the disruptive force of unequal expansion is far more likely to become a cause of danger than in the plain cylinder boiler. In such boilers the tension of expanded tubes is transmitted to the shell, which are greatly strained without doubt, often nearly to the verge of rupture.