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The remarks about his father which had fallen from the bagman, stuck to him for a time like a burr: it isn't pleasant to hear your father described as a kind of charlatan and trickster, and Stafford would have liked to have collared the man and knocked an apology out of him; but there are certain disadvantages attached to the position of gentlemen, and one of them is that you have to pretend to be deaf to speeches that were not intended for your ears; so Stafford could not bash the bagman for having spoken disrespectfully of the great Sir Stephen Orme.

"An' don't you know," she replied, mournfully, "that I have done with him; an' that there never can be anything but sorrow and good will between us? Wasn't that my message to him by yourself?" "It was, dear, an' I hope you're still of the same mind." "I am," she said; "but you are not tellin' me the truth about him. He never spoke disrespectfully of my father or me."

Bazarov, and I have had to pay for it a little. 'But what was it all about, mercy on us! 'How can I tell you? Mr. Bazarov alluded disrespectfully to Sir Robert Peel. I must hasten to add that I am the only person to blame in all this, while Mr. Bazarov has behaved most honourably. I called him out. 'But you're covered with blood, good Heavens! 'Well, did you suppose I had water in my veins?

Sometimes they have uttered the slang of "The Times," and cast reflections on the government, and on President Madison, but we have always resented it, nor do we ever allow any one to speak disrespectfully of our illustrious chief magistrate. The news came to England, and passed through it like thunder and lightning, carrying with it astonishment and dismay.

A special stumbling-block to them was, how it came to pass that when, as sometimes happened, he and Mrs Moffat were disrespectfully treated, they did not retaliate.

Our founder, Jabez Arvon, knew nothing, I am sure, of Gates' pedagogic values and would, I feel certain, have dealt with them disrespectfully.

King, who saw that something had occurred, was quick-witted enough to reply jestingly in French, as they moved away, but he asked, as soon as they were out of ear-shot, "What is it?" "Nothing," said the girl, recovering her usual serenity. "I only said something for the sake of saying something; I didn't mean to speak so disrespectfully of my own town.

But whereas most musicians have since the seventeenth century been exceedingly ill at verbal numbers, he had a quite extraordinary knack of composing what are rather disrespectfully called "words."

Perhaps the ancient aroma of the 'old law quarter' Mesopotamia, us it is now disrespectfully termed is still strong and pleasant enough to attract a few lawyers who cherish a sentimental fondness for the past.

Miriam, the sister of Moses, was smitten with leprosy because with Aaron she rebelled against Moses and spoke disrespectfully of him. The Twelve Spies. From Kadesh Moses sent out twelve men who should investigate the condition of Canaan. These men agreed that it was an attractive and well favored land. They brought back evidences of its fruitfulness.