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But she got no further, for her big brother-in-law turned white as a frightened girl, and when he tried to speak no sound came from his lips. "Goose!" said Deena, laying an affectionate hand on his shoulder. "Shall I get a glass of brandy? Do you suppose no one has ever met with this experience before?" Ben recovered himself with a fit of irritation, which seems the corollary to being frightened.

He was informed by the boy, that Ali's man had set out for Benown, but Daman's negro was still at Deena, but that if his master would stop a little, he could persuade the latter to join him. Mr. Park waited accordingly, and in about three hours the boy returned with the negro. In the afternoon, they reached a town called Samamingkoos, inhabited chiefly by Foulahs.

The day he left was sharp for October; a wood fire crackled on the hearth in the dining room, and Deena, pale and calm, sat behind the breakfast service and made his coffee for the last time in many months. He ate and drank, and filled in the moments with the Harmouth Morning Herald, and his wife's natural courtesy forbade her interrupting him.

The Author applies for and obtains permission from Ali, the Moorish chief or sovereign of Ludamar, to pass through his territories. Departs from Jarra, and arrives at Deena. Ill treated by the Moors. Proceeds to Sampaka. Finds a Negro who makes gunpowder. Continues his journey to Samee, where he is seized by some Moors, who are sent for that purpose by Ali.

He knew she was not thinking of him when she was confessing her shortcomings to her own conscience, but the admission that she felt herself lacking in love to Simeon filled him with a deep joy. He did not dare to linger. "I am going," he said, gently. "Good-by, Deena. Will you pray God to send you back the man who loves you?"

Entreaty or refusal would have been equally unavailing. Mr. On the following day, Mr. Park and his boy were conducted by a circuitous path, through the woods to Dangoli, where they slept. They continued their journey on the 9th, and without any particular occurrence arrived at Deena, when Mr. Park went to pay his respects to one of Ali's sons.

Star was introducing a Russian grand duke, and Stephen, surrendering his chair, withdrew to the other side of his aunt. Deena could not but admire the old lady's admirable manner.

If you have any influence with Deena Ponsonby, will you urge her to spend the winter with us?

You look handsome and healthy enough to keep out of their clutches; tell me all about yourself." "There is never anything to tell about me," said Deena. "I am much more concerned to know why you are here." Mrs. Star's eyes softened.

This afternoon a spy from Kaarta brought the alarming intelligence that Daisy had taken Simbing in the morning, and would be in Jarra some time in the course of the ensuing day. Early in the morning nearly one-half of the townspeople took the road for Bambarra, by the way of Deena.