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And they do say that every year when the day comes round, that he took supper with her for the last time, she puts a plate on for him the very one he eat on last -a pink edged chiny plate, with gilt sprigs, the last one left of her mother's first set of chiny. That is what they say, I hain't never seen the plate. It is now about twenty years sense Samuel Danker went to heathen lands.

It is all run down; she don't get much from it; it don't yield much but trouble and burdocks, but as little as she gets, she always will, as I say, do her full share, and more than her share, for the meetin' house. Some think it is on account of her inherient goodness, and some think it is on account of Samuel Danker. We all spose she hain't forgot Samuel.

That pink edged, chiny plate, with gilt sprigs, that she had used as a memorial of Samuel Danker for so many years. Sot it up on the supper table and wept in front of it.

He didn't say nothin', he acted strange. A look that had in it the crystallized love and longin' of twenty years of faithfulness and heart hunger and homesickness. It wuz a strange look. Submit's heart begun to flutter, and her face grew red and then white, and she sez in a little fine tremblin' voice, "Who be you?" And he sez, "I am Samuel Danker."

But although she always had been extremely liberal in givin', and had made a practice of contributin' every cent she could spare to the meetin' house, it wuz spozed that Samuel Danker wuz the biggest offerin' she had ever give to it.

Also that when Submit Tewksbury thought she had gin away for conscience' sake, her dearest treasure, she had a dearer one gin to her Samuel Danker by name.

Wall, Submit felt that she couldn't leave these helpless ones and go to more foreign heathen lands. So, with a achin' heart, she let Samuel Danker go from her, for he felt a call, loud, and she couldn't counsel him to shet up his ears, or put cotton into 'em.

The dripping tombstone that blocked Priscilla's window grew danker and blacker as the day went by. The fires in the cottage burnt badly, for the wood had somehow got wet. The oilcloth and the wall-papers looked very dismal in the grey daylight. Rain came in underneath the two front doors and made puddles that nobody wiped away.

Some think that about the time the Samuel Danker anniversary comes round, she is more nervous and deprested. It wuz very near now, and take that with her hard work that day, it accounts some for her extra depression though, without any doubt, it wuz Josiah's talk that started the tears.

In fact, his eyes looked right through the fashions and follys of the civilized world, into the depths of ignorance, rivers of ruin and despair, that wuz a-washin' over a human race, black jungles where naked sin and natural depravities crouched hungry for victims. Samuel Danker felt that he had got to go into heathen lands as a missionary.