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"But we should have to trust to the elephant if we could get him." "Oh, that wouldn't do, sir. We should have trouble enough with it all clear daylight. I've thought it all over till my head won't think, and it's all as clear as crystial. We must wait for morning, when the helephant comes for his titbits before one of these chaps mounts guard, and then slip out and chance it.

"But he couldn't p'ocure a sufficient concawdence o' my fellow-citizens; much less o' they wives naw evm o' mine! No, seh! They brought in they verdic' that jess at this junction it'd be cal'lated to ungendeh strife an' could on'y do hahm." He giggled again. "My politics save me, seh! They always will. An' they ought to; faw they as pyo as the crystial fountain."

"I knocked the dhirty face av him, sor, an' can ye blame me? A mane scutt, thryin' for to poison a well-manin' sthranger. I knocked the face av him, an' got away home." "Now the next misfortune?" "Faith, that was av a sort likely to turn out the last of all misfortunes. I wint that day to the Crystial Palace, bein' dishposed for a little sphort, seein' as I was new to London.

But this mornin' I got my worst dose. I was trapesing along distreshful an' moighty sore, in a street just away off the Strand here, when I obsarved the docthor-man that was at the Crystial Palace station a-smilin' an' beckonin' at me from a door. "'How are ye now? sez he. 'Well, sez I, 'I'm moighty sore an' sad bruised, sez I. 'Is that so? sez he.

He solaces his imagination, too, by thinking of the many Chancellors and Vices, and Masters of the Rolls who are deceased; and he gets such a flavour of the country out of telling the two 'prentices how he HAS heard say that a brook "as clear as crystial" once ran right down the middle of Holborn, when Turnstile really was a turnstile, leading slap away into the meadows gets such a flavour of the country out of this that he never wants to go there.