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Updated: August 25, 2024

Fountain had been quite willing to recognise and accept the situation which had been created by Laura's violent action. She wailed over the countermanded gowns and furnishings; but she was in truth relieved. "Now we know where we are again," she had said both to herself and Father Bowles. That strange topsy turveydom of things was over.

Indeed, when Mr Adams ordered a gang to man the pumps again on the carpenter's reporting that the water was gaining in the hold, the whilom mutineer was one of the first to step forwards for the duty, although Captain Dinks at once countermanded the order, seeing its inutility, and saying that there was no use in working a willing horse to death!

In a year's time she will have acquired the fuller tones and poetry of womanliness. Perhaps then, too, her smile will linger instead of flashing. I have known infinitely lovelier women than she. One I have known! but let her be. Louise and I have long since said adieu. Had I known it when I was leaving home, I should have countermanded the cording of my boxes.

So, my dear Caroline, I am content, that you are my sister, and my friend, though I give you up as a heroine." "London, the British Hotel. "You will be surprised, my dear mother, to find that I am in London, instead of being, as I had hoped I should have been by this time, with the army on the continent. Just as we were going to embark, we were countermanded, and ordered to stay at our quarters.

Had Theodore been less occupied, or been at that moment within hearing, he would have contrived to have these orders countermanded, or at least carried out by some one besides Pliny; but he was making final arrangements with the doctor in regard to meeting him on the next morning's train, so he knew nothing about that fatal bottle of wine.

The order to recall the guides was countermanded, and he now joined his second in command, watching as eagerly as the impetuous Lawton himself, for some opening to assail his foe to advantage. But two hours before, and Dunwoodie had felt the chance which made Henry Wharton his captive, as the severest blow he had ever sustained.

The ship that had borne her away from his view had been scarcely two days at sea, when the deadly intelligence reached his ear that the sailing orders of his regiment had been countermanded, and that instead of proceeding to Quebec, it was to sail for Malta, where it was likely to remain for perhaps a couple of years. This dreadful news almost annihilated him.

The First Consul's presentiments respecting the duration of peace England's uneasiness at the prosperity of France Bonaparte's real wish for war Concourse of foreigners in Paris Bad faith of England Bonaparte and Lord Whitworth Relative position of France and England-Bonaparte's journey to the seaboard departments Breakfast at Compiegne Father Berton Irritation excited by the presence of Bouquet Father Berton's derangement and death Rapp ordered to send for me Order countermanded.

The joy of action balanced the account for him, while we were obliged to accept the usual lot of girlhood and womanhood the weary, anxious waiting, when the heart is torn with uncertainty and suspense over the fate of the loved ones who bear the brunt and burden of the day. The order sending Will's regiment to the front was countermanded, and he remained for a time in Fort Leavenworth.

Sir Victor might try, and did, but with, the serene superiority of right and power Miss Stuart countermanded every move. Hers she was determined he should be, and there was all the lost time to be made up besides.

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