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The windows above the altar are the only ones that retain painted panes of the sixteenth century. Among the other objects contained in this chapel which is really a connoisseur's collection of art objects of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries can be mentioned the two marvellously carved tombs of the Condestable and of his wife.

Turning presently to the right and riding in the direction of the cathedral, whose massive bulk dominated the town, they entered the Calle del Condestable, in which, being narrow and paved, the hoofs of the animals clattered noisily, alarming the people of the neighborhood, who came to the windows and to the balconies to satisfy their curiosity.

Maria Remedios ran desperately toward the Calle del Condestable, and, seizing the knocker of the front door, knocked knocked three times with all her heart and soul. See with what tranquillity Senora Dona Perfecta pursues her occupation of writing.

They are, as it were, small churches or important annexes like that of the Condestable in Burgos, possessing a dome of its own absolutely independent of the cathedral itself, rich in decorative details, luxurious in the use of polished stone and metal, of agate and golden accessories, of gilded friezes, low reliefs, and painted retablos.

"Exactly so! What we are looking at is the rear of the house. The front faces the Calle del Condestable, and it has five iron balconies that look like five castles. The fine garden behind the wall belongs to the house, and if you rise up in your stirrups you will be able to see it all from here." "Why, we are at the house, then!" cried the young man. "Can we not enter from here?"

"All that can be seen from here is the suburbs," said the guide, in an offended tone. "When you enter the Calle Real and the Calle de Condestable, you will see handsome buildings, like the cathedral." "I don't want to speak ill of Orbajosa before seeing it," said the young man.

The croisée and the Chapel of the Condestable are the two chief attractions of the cathedral church. The last named chapel is an octagonal addition to the apse. Its walls from the exterior are seen to be richly sculptured and surmounted by a lantern, or windowed dome, surrounded by high pinnacles and spires placed on the angles of the polygon base.

In the afternoons there were to be seen at the corner of the cathedral, and in the little plaza formed by the intersection of the Calle del Condestable and the Calle de la Triperia, several gentlemen who, gracefully enveloped in their cloaks, stood there like sentinels, watching the people as they passed by.

It is beyond a doubt that Cristobal Ramos left his house just after dark, crossed the Calle del Condestable, and, seeing three countrymen mounted on powerful mules coming toward him, asked them where they were going, to which they answered that they were going to Senora Dona Perfecta's house to take her some of the first fruits of their gardens and a part of the rent that had fallen due.

Nothing more need be said regarding this personage, but that, as soon as he heard the trot of the animals approaching the Calle del Condestable, he arranged the folds of his cloak, straightened his hat, which was not altogether correctly placed upon his venerable head, and, walking toward the house, murmured: "Let us go and see this paragon."