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"Dear lady," I said, "I aspire to be thought a man of the world it is a failing of youth; but, then, I am young. As a man of the world, I cogitated a pretty good long time before I set out for Paris with your jewels." "You felt there was a danger of robbery?" "Exactly." "And you were not mistaken." There was irony in her voice. "True! But let me proceed.

The reflection of the cliffs in the never still current, of the pines on their summits, of the changing sky growing deeper and deeper, till its amber tint, erstwhile so crystalline, became of a dull tawny opaqueness, she marked absently for a while as she cogitated on his answer. "What makes 'em so contrairy, Ben?" she asked at last.

"Hold! He is not appointed of the prince. He was Meneptah's choice and his alone," Nechutes interrupted. "It is rumored that Rameses is not over-fond of him." "He will be put to it to hold his high place in the face of the prince's disfavor," Kenkenes cogitated. "Nay, but he presses the prince hard for generalship. It must be so, since he could win the king's good will over the protest of Rameses.

Berry had not cogitated long ere she pronounced distinctly and without a shadow of dubiosity: "My opinion is married or not married, and wheresomever he pick her up she's nothin' more nor less than a Bella Donna!" as which poisonous plant she forthwith registered the lady in the botanical note-book of her brain. It would have astonished Mrs.

The Judge cogitated for a moment, then said: "Ah, that's bad unmarried and forty, and no vices except this. It gives him few escape-valves. Is he good-looking? What is his appearance?" "Nor short, nor tall, and square shoulders. His face like the yellow brown of a peach, hair that curls close to his head, blue eyes that see everything, and a big hand that knows what it is doing."

But he cogitated that the millionaires he had known hitherto had little appreciation for much beyond money-making, and no doubt they were merely taking a passing glimpse at the ruins; the man on some money-making quest, and the girls just to be able to say they had seen them.

"The superintendent at Moline had to write the superintendent here." "They're mean about those things," he cogitated. She got up and went to the bookcase to look at the books. He followed after a little. "Do you like Dickens?" she asked. He nodded his head solemnly in approval. "Pretty much," he said. "I can't like him. He's too long drawn out. I like Scott better." "I like Scott," he said.

"You and me both it's funny, the way those green ray-screens stick to the walls, instead of being spherical, as you'd expect ... should think they'd have to radiate from a center, and so be spherical," Brandon cogitated. "However, we've got nothing corkscrewy enough to go through them, so we'll have to stand by.

"Seems to me it's a little like marching up to the cannon's mouth," Max said to himself, as he took out his writing materials and dipped his pen in the ink, "but it's got to be done, and I'll have it over." He cogitated a moment, then began.

Berry had not cogitated long ere she pronounced distinctly and without a shadow of dubiosity: "My opinion is married or not married, and wheresomever he pick her up she's nothin' more nor less than a Bella Donna!" as which poisonous plant she forthwith registered the lady in the botanical note-book of her brain. It would have astonished Mrs.