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Updated: July 31, 2024

Do not bestow upon him alone the privilege of singing your wife's praises holy man though he be, he would as leave sing the praises of Venus, the goddess of the pagans!" "Chram, I am the servant of the son of our glorious King Clotaire; but as bishop I am entitled to your respect." "You are right; nowadays you bishops have become almost as powerful, and above all as rich as ourselves, the Kings."

"Seigneur count, have pity on me, poor old man that I am; I only have my animals to earn my bread with I have requested your noble and very noble guests not to approach my bear too closely, in order to prevent any unfortunate accident." "Step forward; I wish to have a closer view of your jolly companion; he will not, I presume, dare to paw me, the son of King Clotaire."

Clotaire, however, determined to expiate his crime, long pondered upon the meaning of the pope's dying words, and at last concluded that, as there was nothing higher than a king, the words 'highest satisfaction' meant that he should raise the heir of Vauthier to the royal dignity.

One of the five sons of your good King Clotaire, to-day the sole master of Gaul all the other sons and grandsons of the pious Clovis, who rests in consecrated ground in the basilica of the venerated apostles at Paris, having died one of the five sons of that King Clotaire, Chram by name, a bastard son but what does that matter! and governor of Auvergne in his father's name, Chram is approaching!

My own troops are enough to fight Clotaire if he should take it into his head to invade our territory, which, until now no Frank has attempted with impunity. "Feeling at least certain of Kando's neutrality, but nevertheless crowded into a corner at the frontier of Armorica, Chram now stood at bay and prepared for a desperate combat on the morrow.

From A.D. 511 to 638 five such partitions took place. In 511, after the death of Clovis, his dominions were divided amongst his four sons; Theodoric, or Thierry I., was king of Metz; Clodomir, of Orleans; Childebert, of Paris; Clotaire I., of Soissons. To each of these capitals fixed boundaries were attached.

The troops of Childebert and Theudebert were crushed by the stones and consumed by the heavenly fire." "And what became of Clotaire?" "Oh!

After him, from 638 to 732, twelve princes of this line, one named Sigebert, two Clovis, two Childeric, one Clotaire, two Dagobert, one Childebert, one Chilperic, and two Throdoric or Thierry, bore, in Neustria, Austrasia, and Burgundy, or in the three kingdoms united, the title of king, without deserving in history more than room for their names.

In a short time the barbarous Clotaire passed from a state of rabid fury to one of the most abject despair, so that he required little persuasion from the clergy ere he sent a messenger to Rome, bearing rich presents, to beg for absolution from the pope.

When the wicked brothers Clotaire and Childebert coveted the kingdom of their dead brother Clodomir, they inveigled into their power their little nephews, the two sons of Clodomir; and having done so, they sent a messenger bearing scissors and a naked sword to the children's grandmother, Queen Clotilde, at Paris.

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