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Those thus charitably bestowed are less ornamental than the others, but equally efficient. The teeth are also subjects of great care, and the infant is spared all pain in cutting them.

I know that there were remarks made about Henderson that would have pained Margaret if she had heard them, but I never heard that he lost standing in the street. Still, in justice to the street it must be said that it charitably waits for things to be proven, and that if Henderson had failed, he might have had little more lenient judgment in the street than elsewhere.

Charitably wishing that, amid all his agility he might yet make a false step, and find an unexpected and rather cold bath in the lake below, Stevens now turned his eyes upon Margaret Cooper. She did not answer the counsels of William Hinkley certainly did not heed them: and, but for the increased impatience of her manner might be supposed not to have heard them.

Really, when I think it over, literature has only one excuse for existing; it saves the person who makes it from the disgustingness of life." "And, charitably, it lessens the distress of us few who still love art." "Few indeed!" "And the number keeps diminishing. The new generation no longer interests itself in anything except gambling and jockeys." "Yes, you're quite right.

It had been just so when Johnnie would have her time for every term of the "old field hollerin' school," where she learned to read and write; even when she persisted in going to Rainy Gap where some charitably inclined northern church maintained a little school, and pushed her education to dizzy heights that to mountain vision appeared "plumb foolish."

Charitably inclined people, as well as all other kinds of inclined people, prefer their Winkelbergs more egoistic. They prefer that unfortunate ones be engrossed in their misfortunes and not go around wearing sardonic, philosophical smiles. Winkelberg dragged along for a year. He was past fifty. Each time I saw him I was certain I would never see him again.

Bodine, charitably, "and we can't expect her to feel about Charleston as we do. The question is, will Mr. Clancy feel obliged to follow her eventually?" "I tink he's 'bliged not ter." "Well, Aun' Sheba, I'm glad you have such strong religious ideas of marriage." "I'se feerd I ain't bery 'ligious 'bout anyting.

Probably, he preferred it should have none. Nothing so aggravates an earnest person as a passive resistance. If the individual so resisted be of a not inhumane temper, and the resisting one perfectly harmless in his passivity, then, in the better moods of the former, he will endeavor charitably to construe to his imagination what proves impossible to be solved by his judgment.

But, on the other hand, the extreme consequences are obvious, and it is enough that the "will" of man should agree to gather them in charitably and without repugnance in order to obtain salvation. St.

Whether the books so charitably circulated were ever as charitably read is more than I know. Possibly several of them have been exported to France, and, like goods not in request here, may with you have found a market. I have heard much talk of the lights to be drawn from books that are sent from hence.