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Updated: August 25, 2024

He had heard about the raft disaster on Lake Erie, and was pleased to be able to inform Peterson that his friend Bragin was safe. The tug, however, which had been towing the raft, was laid up in Buffalo for repairs.

'We was quartered in a big cantonmint 'tis no manner av use namin' names, for ut might give the barricks disrepitation an' I was the Imperor av the Earth to my own mind, an' wan or tu women thought the same. Small blame to thim. Afther we had lain there a year, Bragin, the Colour Sargint av E Comp'ny, wint an' took a wife that was lady's maid to some big lady in the Station.

"'Twas in the Cath'lic Chapel I saw her first, me oi roiling round as usual to see fwhat was to be seen, 'You're too good for Bragin, my love, thinks I to mesilf, 'but that's a mistake I can put straight, or my name is not Terence Mulvaney. "Now take my wurrd for ut, you Orth'ris there an' Learoyd, an' kape out av the Married Quarters as I did not.

There's nothing like opin-speakin'. Orth'ris, ye scutt, let me put me oi to that bottle, for my throat's as dhry as whin I thought I wud get a kiss from Annie Bragin. An' that's fourteen years gone! Eyah! Cork's own city an' the blue sky above ut an' the times that was the times that was!"

''Twas in the Cath'lic Chapel I saw her first, me oi rolling round as usual to see fwhat was to be seen. "You're too good for Bragin, my love," thinks I to mesilf, "but that's a mistake I can put straight, or my name is not Terence Mulvaney." 'Now take my wurrd for ut, you Orth'ris there an' Learoyd, an' kape out av the Married Quarters as I did not.

"That's as you look at ut," said Mulvaney, calmly; "Annie Bragin niver cared for me. For all that, I did not want to leave anything behin' me that Bragin could take hould av to be angry wid her about whin an honust wurrd cud ha' cleared all up.

"Was it before or after you made love to Annie Bragin, and got no satisfaction?" The story of Annie Bragin is written in another place. It is one of the many less respectable episodes in Mulvaney's checkered career. "Before before long before, was that business av Annie Bragin an' the corp'ril's ghost. Niver woman was the worse for me whin I had married Dinah.

She's dead now is Annie Bragin died in child-bed at Kirpa Tal, or ut may ha' been Almorah seven nine years gone, an' Bragin he married agin. But she was a pretty woman whin Bragin inthrojuced her to cantonmint society.

'Whin ut was done for want av breath, an' Annie was bendin' over her husband, I sez: "'Tis all thrue, an' I'm a blayguard an' you're an honest woman; but will you tell him of wan service that I did you?" 'As I finished speakin' the Corp'ril man came up to the veranda, an' Annie Bragin shquealed. The moon was up, an' we cud see his face.

'Was it before or after you made love to Annie Bragin, and got no satisfaction? The story of Annie Bragin is written in another place. It is one of the many less respectable episodes in Mulvaney's chequered career. 'Before before long before, was that business av Annie Bragin an' the corp'ril's ghost. Niver woman was the worse for me whin I had married Dinah.

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