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"Monsieur, I am the Baron Bourlac, formerly attorney-general," he said to the commissary of police, whose scarf now attracted his eye. "I entreat you to explain all this." "Monsieur, if you are Baron Bourlac, two words will be enough. I have just examined this young man, and he admits " "What?" "The robbery of four thousand francs from Doctor Halpersohn!" "Is that true, Auguste?"

The president, du Ronceret, and the vice-president, Blondet, of the court of Alencon did their best to save our poor lady. But the influence of the councillor of the Imperial Court who presided at her trial before the Criminal and Special Court, the famous Mergi, and that of Bourlac the attorney-general was such over the other judges that they obtained her condemnation.

By M. Bernard-Jean-Baptiste Macloud, Baron Bourlac. Formerly attorney-general to the Royal Court of Rouen. Grand officer of the Legion of honor. "Ha! the slayer of Madame's daughter! of the Chevalier du Vissard! the man who condemned her to twenty years' imprisonment!" said Godefroid, in a feeble voice. His legs gave way under him, and he dropped into a chair. "What a beginning!" he muttered.

Baron Bourlac, whom Godefroid now saw dressed in a manner suitable for a man of his rank and position, rose and came forward, holding out his hand to Godefroid, saying as he did so: "I was sure of it." Godefroid made a gesture denying that he shared in this noble vengeance, but the former attorney-general gave him no chance to speak.

Both Bourlac and Mergi showed extraordinary bitterness against mother and daughter; they called the Baronne des Tours-Minieres 'the woman Bryond, and Madame 'the woman Lechantre. The names of accused persons in those days were all brought to one republican level, and were sometimes unrecognizable.

"This matter, my dear Godefroid," resumed Monsieur Joseph, "concerns us all. You have done your part; leave the rest to us. I beg you to have no more to do with it; go and fetch the things you have left behind you. Don't say a word of all this. Practise absolute discretion. Tell the Baron de Bourlac to address himself to me. By that time we shall have decided how to act under the circumstances."

"It is possible that you really did not know it?" said Vanda. And she related naively, in terms of admiration for her son, the story of the loan that he had secured from the doctor. "We may not speak of it before Baron Bourlac," said Godefroid, "tell me now how your son got out of his trouble."

I haven't yet been able to get a man in his place, and as the quarter is looking up the house is full, and I am worked to death." Godefroid would never have known more about Baron Bourlac and his family if it had not been for one of those chance encounters such as often happens in Paris.

"Grandpapa, I sent him as security your diamond snuff-box. I did it to save you from going to prison." "Unhappy boy! what have you done? The diamonds are false!" cried the baron; "I sold the real ones three years ago!" The commissary of police and his agents looked at each other. That look, full of many things, was intercepted by Baron Bourlac, and seemed to blast him.

Godefroid saw the baron, through one of the casements on the stairs, crossing the court-yard; he had just time to get down into the salon where the friends were all assembled and to cry out: "Baron Bourlac is here!" Madame de la Chanterie, hearing the name, rose; supported by the Abbe de Veze she went to her room.