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Updated: August 26, 2024

The huge line of battle-ships, with their triple decks and their long rows of oars, looked like hundred-eyed sea-monsters swimming with hundreds of legs on the surface of the water, and the booming reverberation of the thunder of their guns was re-echoed from the broad foreheads of the palaces looking into the Bosphorus.

But those dark storms and whirlwinds haunt the Bosphorus until this day. But the Argonauts went eastward, and out into the open sea, which we now call the Black Sea, but it was called the Euxine then.

On his return journey he saw the promontory which divides the oceans, as the narrow waters of the Bosphorus divide the continents, of the East and West. As in the crowded streets of Constantinople, so here, if anywhere, at this awful and solitary headland the elements of two hemispheres meet and contend.

This picture was preserved in the Temple of Juno at Samos, where Herodotus saw it, with this inscription: "Mandrocles, after having constructed a bridge of boats over the Bosphorus, by order of the king Darius of Persia, dedicated this monument to Juno, which does honor to Samos, his country, and confers glory on the artificer."

Life in these sunny seas was a joy to all concerned, and Paul's eyes illuminated by his lady's ever-present spirit saw beauties and felt shades and balances of which his companions never dreamed. So they came at last to the Bosphorus and Constantinople. Here full instructions awaited them.

This was the Power that, either from sympathy or ambition, was the most inclined to come to his aid. The Emperor Nicholas had offered assistance in a letter brought to the sultan by the Russian General Mouravieff, and a Russian squadron appeared in the Bosphorus with eight thousand men for disembarkment.

At a small distance from the old castles we discover the little town of Chrysopolis, or Scutari, which may almost be considered as the Asiatic suburb of Constantinople. The Bosphorus, as it begins to open into the Propontis, passes between Byzantium and Chalcedon.

But however indifferent western Europe might be to the fate of the Byzantines, they were greatly interested in the ancient Greeks whose colonists had founded the city on the Bosphorus ten centuries after the Trojan war. They wanted to learn Greek that they might read Aristotle and Homer and Plato. They wanted to learn it very badly, but they had no books and no grammars and no teachers.

If I were owner of a garden under whatever hill along the Bosphorus, verily I should tremble for my roses." Thus briefly, and in such simple manner, the wise Mystic put the shopkeeper perfectly at ease. At the brazier they watched Syama in the operation since become of universal knowledge under title of "drawing tea."

I dare say she wasn't so fine a girl as the Armenian you unearthed on the Bosphorus, but she had something about her a fellow can't forget. That was a lovely creature coming down the hills over Granada on her mule. Ay, we've seen handsome women, Nevil Beauchamp. But you always were lucky, invariably, and I should bet on you for the Election.

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