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The first story is at a considerable distance from the ground, and reached by a long ladder which can be drawn up so as to cut off all communication. Some of the towers are further strengthened by a semicircular bastion, projecting from the side most liable to attack.

The front view presents the bay, denominated the Bay of the Tomb; a little on the right is seen the Cape of Misfortune; and beyond rolls the expanded ocean, on the surface of which appear a few uninhabited islands; and, among others, the Point of Endeavour, which resembles a bastion built upon the flood.

Yet she showed more composure, real or forced, than he expected. "Heaven sends him," said she. "My friend, tell me, were you ah!" Colonel Raynal interfered hastily. "Think what you do. He can tell you nothing but what we know, not so much, in fact, as we know; for, now I look at him, I think this is the very sergeant we found lying insensible under the bastion.

At length the wall was reached, the ladders were planted, and Lieutenant-Colonel Drummond, with a hundred men of the Royal Artillery, gained a footing in a bastion. The parole by which they recognized each other in the dark was "steel" an omen of the desperate means used to insure their victory. With pike and bayonet they rushed upon the garrison.

Nothing must be left undone to secure their safety. Order a gun to be fired immediately from the southern bastion. It will be distinctly heard by the party, and if not already apprised of the existing danger they will at once understand the signal. Moreover the report may have the effect of alarming the savages."

The next striking number is the dance tempo, "Presso il bastion de Seviglia," a seguidilla sung by Carmen while bewitching Don José. In the finale, as she escapes, the Havanaise, which is the Carmen motive, is heard again. The second-act music is peculiarly Spanish in color, particularly that for the ballet.

"The attack of the bastion was settled!" cried a captain. "It was; and who was to lead the assault? do you know that?" "No." "A colonel FROM EGYPT." At that there was a groan from the men. "With detachments from the other brigades." "AH!" an angry roar. Colonel Dujardin walked quickly down between the two lines, looking with his fiery eye into the men's eyes on his right.

You know I am not familiar with the French language, which you, monsieur le coadjuteur, both speak and write so well." "At the Saint Gervais bastion," said Porthos. The coadjutor let the storm pass over his head and resumed, still with the same tranquillity: "Madame, if the opinion I have submitted to you does not please you it is doubtless because you have better counsels to follow.

It needed a good hour to ram the coarse powder down, adjust the round ball and prepare the priming; to say nothing of the task of aiming. So, long ere dawn, the glimmering lights were seen about the battery, which, perched on a hill, gave on the half-breached bastion. Between the two stretched an open space of undulating ground.

To the left of the fort, at the head of a small bay, was the Bunder pier, with the warehouses at the shore end. Still farther to the left were the docks and the marine yards, and; at the extremity of the island on which Bombay stands, a frowning bastion. Feeling that he had now nothing more to fear, Desmond ordered Fuzl Khan to be cast loose and brought to him.