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The next striking number is the dance tempo, "Presso il bastion de Seviglia," a seguidilla sung by Carmen while bewitching Don José. In the finale, as she escapes, the Havanaise, which is the Carmen motive, is heard again. The second-act music is peculiarly Spanish in color, particularly that for the ballet.

I weave it into the finale of the second act, and we have an echo of it, sung off stage, in the third act. What I play you now is the second-act duet. The verse is longer. So! The male voice begins." A pleasant time was had by all for ten minutes. "Ah, but this is not rehearsing, childrun!" cried Mr Saltzburg remorsefully at the end of that period. "This is not business.

Some had kicked about their musical numbers, some about their love-scenes; some had grumbled about their exit lines, others about the lines of their second-act frocks.

There were Japanese prints, and a baby grand piano, and a lot of tables, and a davenport placed the way they do it on the stage, with its back to the room and its arms to the fireplace, and a long table just behind it, with a lamp on it, and books, and a dull jar thing, just as you've see it in the second-act library. Hosea Brewster twisted his head around and up to gaze at the lofty ceiling.

But now, when she finally held the gown itself in her hand the original "Splendour" second-act gown, a limp, soft black mass: just a few yards of worn and shabby velvet she found her hands shaking. Here was where she had hugged the toy dog to her breast. Here where she had fallen on her knees to pray before the little shrine in her hotel room. Every worn spot had a meaning for her.

"And yet they say 'What's in a name!" The unfortunate play had been all that its title implies. Its purpose was to star an actress who hadn't a glint. Her second-act costume alone had cost $700, but even Russian sable bands can't carry a bad play.

There were Japanese prints, and a baby grand piano, and a lot of tables, and a davenport placed the way they do it on the stage, with its back to the room and its arms to the fireplace, and a long table just behind it, with a lamp on it, and books, and a dull jar thing, just as you've seen it in the second-act library. Hosea Brewster twisted his head around and up to gaze at the lofty ceiling.