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The jivaben has jawed avree out of his gad. The life has gone out of his shirt, i.e., body. This intimates a long and close connection between the body and the under garment. "Avree out of," a phrase in which the Gipsy word is immediately followed by its English equivalent, is a common form of expression for the sake of clearness.

Then he went that road again, to the same house, and said, "Look here at this fine kettle! I gave six shillings for it, and you shall have it for the same money, because you have been so good to me." That man was like a great many men very benevolent to himself. If a Rommany chal gets nashered an' can't latch his drum i' the ratti, he shells avree, "Hup, hup Rom-ma-ny, Rom-ma-ny jo-ter!"

I was adree the tale tem o' sar, an' a rye putched mandy to well to kangry, an' I welled. I shooned the rashai a-rakkerin'; and when the shunaben was kerro, I welled avree and jalled alay the drum to the kitchema.

The waver divvus anpauli, dovo Rom jalled to the ryas baulo- tan, an' dicked odoi a boro rikkeno baulo, an' gillied, "I'll dick acai if I can kair tute ruv a bitti." Now, rya, you must jin if you del a baulor kris adree a pabo, he can't shell avree or kair a gudlo for his miraben, an' you can rikker him bissin', or chiv him apre a wardo, an' jal andurer an' kek jin it.

But the raklos wouldn't well avree, so the ranis rikkered their rivabens avree an' pirried adree the panni paul' lendy. An' the ryas who were kandered alay, suvved andurer 'dree the panni, an' the ranis pallered 'em far avree till they were saw latchered, raklos and raklis. Raklos shouldn't be too ladge, nor raklis be too boro of their kokeros.

A rakli acai lelled a hora waver divvus from a waver rakli, and the one who nashered it pens: "Del it pauli a mandi and I wont dukker tute! Del it apre!" But the waver rakli penned "kek," and so they bitchered for the prastramengro. He lelled the juva to the wardo, and just before she welled odoi, she hatched her wast in her poachy, an' chiv it avree, and the prastramengro hatched it apre.

But pen mandy the nav of the kaulo rye." Then the dye shelled avree, very hunnalo, "Beng is the nav of tute's pirryno, and yuv se kaulo adusta." If you chore puri juvas tute'll lel the beng. But when the woman demanded her money, the girl said, "Old mother, I haven't got a halfpenny to give you. But tell me the name of the dark gentleman."

"Yeck divvus he lelled some weshni juckals, an' pandered yagni-trushnees to their poris and mukked 'em jal. And they nashered avree like puro bengis, sig in the sala, when sar the mushis were sutto, 'unsa parl the giv puvius, and hotchered sar the giv.

You're a ratfully jucko an' a huckaben." English They angered the poor old man by telling him he must not stop there. "What are you?" he said to the policeman, "I'll give you three pounds to take your coat off and fight me. "I suppose you have often taken your coat off?" "Once I lelled it avree an' never chivved it apre ajaw." "How was that?"

"And when my juva dickt'omandy pash-nango, she pens, 'Dovo's tute's heesis? an' I pookered her I'd been a-koorin'. But she penned, 'Why, you haven't got your hovalos an; you didn't koor tute's hovalos avree? 'No, I rakkered; 'I taddered em offus. An' my poor juva ruvved ajaw, for she had no chavo.