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"Weally," said Horner, who usually put on most of his w and r ish airs when in the presence of ladies in evening costume: in the day he sometimes spoke more plainly. "Weally, how clevah you ah! I asshaw you, I didn't gwess it for neawy a week ah!" "I can quite believe that!" said Seraphine, wickedly. "Did you ever hear any of Praed's charades?" I asked Min. "No," she said. "Do you recollect some?"

Lorton, I asshaw you I only meant to say ah that Miss Clyde sang my songs most divinely ah and that she's ah a vewy nice gahl ah!" Confound him! What business had he to say or think anything of the sort? I could faintly hear his voice exclaim "Bai-ey Je-ove!" in the distance, after some seconds' interval, during which we had become widely separated.

"Oh ah! you see ah, my deah fellah," he answered, "it was all those confawnded little bahds and the bells kicking up such a raow; that, 'pon honah, I couldn't sleep and so I came out. I asshaw you it was all those bweastwy little bahds and the bells!" "At all events, I must congratulate you on your reformation," I said. "Yaas?

He thought he had got hold of a grand joke at my expense. However, I was not in the least angry with him. I felt too happy to have lost my temper with any one, especially Horner, whom I generally regarded as a poor creature to be tolerated rather than blamed. "Did you ever hear, Horner," said I, "how Peabody made his first fortune?" "No, 'pon honah, I asshaw you, no."

"You don't mean to say," I asked, on getting closer to him, "that you've actually taken to early rising?" "No, 'pon honah, I asshaw you, my deah fellah, no!" he replied, quite excitedly. "No, I asshaw you, no," he repeated. "Well, then, what on earth makes you come out at this early unearthly hour?" I said.

They looked strangers to the parish, I think: you must have seen them, I'm sure, eh?" "Bai-ey Je-ove! Two middle-aged ladies; one dwessed in hawf-mawning? "Nonsense, Horner!" said I, interrupting him; "what a mess you are making of it! I said one lady was middle-aged; and both dressed in half-mourning." "Weally, now? No, Lorton, 'pon honah; didn't see 'em, I asshaw you.