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You miss it, my dear fellow, with inimitable assurance; the fact of your being awfully clever and your article's being awfully nice doesn't make a hair's breadth of difference. It's quite with you rising young men," Vereker laughed, "that I feel most what a failure I am!" I listened with intense interest; it grew in-tenser as he talked. "You a failure heavens!

YOU miss it, my dear fellow, with inimitable assurance; the fact of your being awfully clever and your article's being awfully nice doesn't make a hair's breadth of difference. It's quite with you rising young men," Vereker laughed, "that I feel most what a failure I am!" I listened with keen interest; it grew keener as he talked. "YOU a failure heavens!

In answer to any questions about the article's being Air Force-inspired, my weasel- worded answer was that we had furnished Life with some raw data on specific sightings. My answer was purposely weasel-worded because I knew that the Air Force had unofficially inspired the Life article.

"And you brought her in yourself, eh?" "The lot of us did. Now what we want to know is what claim have we got against the owners, Mr. Hyatt?" The lawyer heaved himself back to his chair and lowered himself into it with what the boys thought was a most reckless disregard of the article's capacity and strength. But the chair only creaked dismally. "Of course you do!

"Oh, but excuse me, how did you know it would be wasting your time? That article's too deep for many people that's to say it's over their heads. But with me, it's another thing; I see through his ideas, and I know where its weakness lies." Everyone was mute. Kritsky got up deliberately and reached his cap. "Won't you have supper? All right, good-bye! Come round tomorrow with the locksmith."

But that's my character: if I want a thing I'm willing to pay: I don't go up to the counter, and then wonder if the article's worth the price. I wouldn't be satisfied to entertain like the Welly Brys; I'd want something that would look more easy and natural, more as if I took it in my stride. And it takes just two things to do that, Miss Bart: money, and the right woman to spend it."

The magazines, like the newspapers, employ "re-write men" to take crude manuscripts to pieces, rebuild them and give them a presentable polish. The matter of prime importance to most of our American editors is an article's content in the way of vital facts and "human interest."

The principal part of his business undoubtedly came from the side of the establishment with the short name; but it was known to the stable-fraternity that on occasion "Old Nick" would make an advance to a needy borrower who was "down on his luck" of at least fifteen per cent, of almost any article's value.

If there's an article missing, the person who does the checking notes it; if a wrong article's enclosed, that, too, is noted, and returned to the laundry." "If Wellesley's handkerchief got to the wrong place, why wasn't it returned?" demanded Hawthwaite. "To be sure; but that's just what you've got to find out," retorted Brent. "You ought to go to Mrs.

Below was a print of my face taken from an excellent photographic portrait, followed by a brief summary of the article's unsurpassed excellence, together with a list of the viands for which it was commended.