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Updated: August 11, 2024

It is, therefore, not an improbable conjecture that there were two migrations into America, one of the barren-ground type from western Europe, by way of the Spitzbergen land connection, and the other of the woodland, from Siberia, by way of Alaska. Little more can be said, perhaps even less, of the other circumpolar genus, Alces, known in America as "moose," and across the Atlantic as "elk."

Richardson, 'Fauna Bor. Americana, on the moose, Alces palmata, pp. 236, 237; on the expanse of the horns, 'Land and Water, 1869, p. 143.

In the arrangement and development of the brow antlers, and in the complexity produced by this doubling of the beam, a startling resemblance is shown to the extinct Cervalces, a moose-like deer of the American Pleistocene, possibly ancestral to the genus Alces.

Albis, the Elbe, a large and noble river in Germany, which has its source in the Giant's Mountains in Silesia, on the confines of Bohemia, and passing through Bohemia, Upper and Lower Saxony, falls into the North Sea at Ritzbuttel, about sixty miles below Hamburg Alces, a species of animals somewhat resembling an elk, to be found in the Hercynian forests, C. vi. 27

The American view that practically all animals in this country represent species distinct from their European congeners is now generally accepted, and the name Alces americanus has been given to the American form. It would appear, however, that the generic name Alces must soon be replaced by the earlier form Paralces.

Albino birds. Alca torda, young of. Alces palmata. Alder and Hancock, MM., on the nudi-branch mollusca. Allen, J.A., vigour of birds earliest hatched; effect of difference of temperature, light, etc., on birds; colours of birds; on the relative size of the sexes of Callorhinus ursinus; on the name of Otaria jubata; on the pairing of seals; on sexual differences in the colour of bats.

The range of the moose in North America extends from Nova Scotia in the extreme east, throughout Canada and certain of the Northern United States, to the limits of tree growth in the west and north of Alaska. Throughout this vast extent of territory but two species are recognized, the common moose, Alces americanus, and the Alaska moose, Alces gigas, of the Kenai Peninsula.

L'Immortel is a satire springing from personal reasons; L'Evangeliste and Rose et Ninette the latter on the divorce problem may be classed as clever novels; but had Daudet never written more than 'Fromont et Risler', 'Tartarin sur les Alces', and 'Port Tarascon', these would keep him in lasting remembrance. Alphonse Daudet died in Paris, December 16, 1897 LECONTE DE LISLE de l'Academie Francaise.

'Jack ; Le Nabab ; Les Rois en exil ; Numa Roumestan ; L'Evangeliste ; Sapho ; Tartarin sur des Alces ; L'Immortel ; Port Tarascon ; Rose et Ninette ; La petite Parvisse ; and Soutien de Famille ; such is the long list of the great life-artist. In Le Nabab we find obvious traces of Daudet's visits to Algiers and Corsica-Mora is the Duc de Morny.

We know that the decline of the European red deer is due to these causes, and that a similar process of deterioration is showing among the moose in certain outlying districts in eastern North America. The type species of this group, known as Alces machlis, was long considered by European naturalists uniform throughout its circumpolar distribution, in the north of both hemispheres.

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