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Updated: August 13, 2024

Sobriety came in on this attempted witticism, and the old cook saw a film grow into the Judge's smiling eyes. "Old marster!" she exclaimed, raising her hands, "you's jess a-sottin' dar, an' breakin' your poor heart. Don't I know when you is a-makin' believe?

"I say, governor," said he, looking up, halfway through his task, "I give the animal a topper last night." "What animal?" inquired Jack. "That there 'Orksbury, so I did. Him and 'is pal comes along and twigs me a-sottin' on my box. `That's the kid. Mashing, says 'Orksbury.

Where is she? "`In the corner there, returns the old hag, removing her dirty little black dhudeen of a pipe for a minnit from between her teeth, in order to spake the bether. `She's a-sottin' in that cheir there, as she hav' been since the mornin', widout sayin' a worrd to mortial saol afther she tould us to sind for the docther.

"Begorrah, thin," cried Mick, in high glee at my now giving him this information, "we'll put the little baiste roight over the wall forninst whare he's a-sottin'; an', faith, if Jocko says him, he'll rouse him oop fast enuff, an' thin yer fayther'll think he's the divvle, sure, jist ez the chaplin did aboard the ship t'other day whin Jocko got into his cabin an' carried on `Meg's divarshuns'!"

"Git away wid ye," cried Mick, giving him a dig in his ribs, and grinning the while all over his face at the recollection of something about which I might have told a tale if I had liked, before proceeding to go on with his story of the warm reception we had met with. "Well, thin, Tom's fayther wor a-sottin' in the armchair, ez I wor a- sayin' whin you put me off me coorse, Larry, ye baste.

It's wot I once heard a captin ob a ribber steamer in de States call a safety-balve wot lets off a deal o' 'uman energy. He was a-sottin on his own safety-balve at de time, so he ought to have know'd suffin about it." "I say, Ebony," asked Hockins, "where did you pick up so much larnin' about science eh?" "I pick 'im in Texas was 'sistant to a German nat'ralist dar for two year.

Sure, there wor Tom's faither a-sottin' in the garden in his owld armchair under the mulberry-tree, faith, afther Miss Jenny resayved us at the door " "Ah," interposed Larrikins at this point, with a knowing wink. "But, what o' Tom's sister? Yer ain't told us about her at all, chummy. Did she give ye a kiss, now?"

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