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Updated: August 3, 2024

The public debt on the 1st day of July last, as appears by the books of the Treasury, amounted to $1,740,690,489.49. Probably, should the war continue for another year, that amount may be increased by not far from five hundred millions. Held, as it is, for the most part by our own people, it has become a substantial branch of national, though private, property.

The legs have been cut down to suit the height of one of his successors in the ministry!! With regard to the pulpit, an old resident in Bedford says The celebrated John Howard presented a new pulpit in the room of the old one, which was cut up. Of part of the wood a table was made, which now belongs to Mrs. Hillyerd. Vol. iii., p. 297. Vol. i., p. 714. Vol. i., p. 686. Vol. i., pp. 690, 691.

Such were Grotius's pretensions, the validity of which remain to be proved. The minds of the contending parties were not yet disposed to conform to the good intentions of the Pope: and the congress of Cologn did not take place because the Swedes positively refused to send thither Plenipotentiaries . Ep. 690. p. 284. Ep. 699. p. 288. Ep. 709. p. 296. Ep. 389. p. 865

I have just seen an extract from a Canadian Journal which speaks for itself. Here it is: "To enter Canada costs a Chinaman $500. Last year thirteen hundred and eighty paid the tax, the treasury of the country receiving from them $690,000.

Having marched to the relief of Chester, which was anew besieged by the parliamentary forces under Colonel Jones, Pointz attacked his rear, and forced him to give battle. * Clarendon, vol. vi. p. 690. Walker, p. 137. Clarendon, vol. iv. p. 695. * Rush, vii. p. 117. The news which he received from every quarter, were no less fatal than those events which passed where he himself was present.

Passing over many instances of the abolition of slavery by law, both during the middle ages and since the reformation, we find them multiplying as we approach our own times. In 1776 slavery was abolished in Prussia by special edict. In St. Domingo, Cayenne, Guadeloupe, and Martinique, in 1794, where more than 690,000 slaves were emancipated by the French government.

Snow lay deep on plain and hill-side; the cruel cold, penetrating through the warmest clothing, bit fiercely into the debilitated and thinly clad frames of the sepoys and the great horde of camp followers. The military force which marched out of cantonments consisted of about 4500 armed men, of whom about 690 were Europeans, 2840 native soldiers on foot, and 970 native cavalrymen.

Soon afterwards another adjutant of Pompeius, Marcus Scaurus, arrived in Judaea, to allay the feuds ever breaking out afresh there. Towards the end of 690 Pompeius in person arrived in Syria, and remained there till the summer of the following year, resolutely interfering and regulating matters for the present and the future.

His indulgence to Henry was great, and perhaps imprudent, by giving him a large and independent settlement, even in so early youth. * Kennet, p. 690. Coke, p. 37. Welwood, p. 272 But this marriage, though celebrated with great joy and festivity, proved itself an unhappy event to the king, as well as to his son-in-law, and had ill consequences on the reputation and fortunes of both.

The return of the various religious persuasions was as follows: Church of England, 73,727, forming a clear majority upon the whole population. Scotch Kirk, 13,153, forming about a tenth of the whole amount of the inhabitants of New South Wales. Members of the Church of Rome, 35,690, being rather more than one-fourth of the population.

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