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The average yearly earnings of the heads of families working in the United States in the iron and steel industry is $409; in bituminous coal-mining $451; in the woolen industry $400; in silk $448; in cotton $470; in clothing $530; in boots and shoes $573; in leather $511; in sugar-refining $549; in the meat industry $578; in furniture $598, etc.

But the testimony of Dona Maria de Pinel, a nun in the Monastery of the Incarnation, is clear: and Don Vicente de La Fuente, quoting it, vol. i. p. 549, says that this delay of baptism was nothing singular in those days, provided there was no danger of death.

Do., p. 808. Do., p. 478. Do., p. 506. Do., p. 474. Do., p. 549. Do., p. 471. Do., pp. 435, 467, 602. Do., pp. 405, 707. Do., p. 808. Do., p. 677. Do., pp. 463, 467. Do., p. 684. Do., p. 435. Do., pp. 468, 546. Do., p. 470. Jefferson MSS. Dep. of Wm. Robinson, February 28, 1800, and letter from Harry Innes, March 2, 1799, with a copy of Logan's letter as made in his note-book at the time. "Am.

Mr Will C. French of the State Industrial Accident Commission estimates that we have 1,000,000 employees in the state, and we have 300 industrial injuries daily, including Sundays. We thus have approximately 100,000 industrial accidents each year in this state. Since 1914, there were 23,451 eye injuries, and of these 549 were permanent injuries, and 11 resulted in total blindness.

There is Virginia, which disfranchises 549,019 citizens, being more than a third of its whole 'people. There is Alabama, which disfranchises 436,030 citizens, being nearly one half of its whole 'people. There is Louisiana, which disfranchises 350,546 citizens, being one half of its whole 'people. There is Mississippi, which disfranchises 437,404 citizens, being much more than one half of its whole 'people. And there is South Carolina, which disfranchises 412,408 citizens, being nearly two-thirds of its whole 'people. A republic is a pyramid standing on the broad mass of the people as a base; but here is a pyramid balanced on its point.

The quantity of land disposed of during the last and the first quarter of the present fiscal years was 3,841,549 acres, of which 161,911 acres were sold for cash, 1,456,514 acres were taken up under the homestead law, and the residue disposed of under laws granting lands for military bounties, for railroad and other purposes.

CONTRA SENATUS AUCTORITATEM: 'against the expressed wish of the senate' Senatus auctoritas is, strictly speaking, an opinion of the senate not formally embodied in a decree, senatus consultum. Cicero, in Invent. 2, 52 says Flaminius carried his law contra voluntatem omnium optimatium. So in 54 lenientem A. 290, a; G 668; H 549, 1.

On the second day out the speed was hit up to seventy-three revolutions and the run for the day was bulletined as 519 miles. Still further increasing the speed, the rate of revolution of the engines was raised to seventy-five and the day's run was 549 miles, the best yet scheduled.

For complete and exact information regarding the finances and the various branches of the public service connected therewith I refer you to the report of the Secretary of the Treasury, from which it will appear that the amount of revenue during the last fiscal year from all sources was $73,549,705, and that the public expenditures for the same period, exclusive of payments on account of the public debt, amounted to $51, 018,249.

Mago, the youngest son of Hamilcar, set himself to his task more earnestly. With the remains of the Spanish army, which he had conducted in the first instance to Minorca, he landed in 549 at Genoa, destroyed the city, and summoned the Ligurians and Gauls to arms.