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Out of the abundance of her heart her lips spoke to tell of the loving kindness of the Lord. Bible Readings, 1858-59. It was scantily built, and almost square, with galleries on three sides. On the remaining one there used to be a pulpit, conspicuously placed in the middle of the wall.

This commenced the winter of 1858-59, the second passed by the Fox in the ice. On the 17th February, Captain McClintock started with Mr Petersen and one man, Thompson, on a long pedestrian expedition, with two sledges drawn by dogs.

And one portion of his narrative concerned his place of concealment in the winter of 1858-59, before he had dug out his subterranean abode at Warsin, and after the discovery of his den at Pyritz. That was also spent underground, but not in a cave of his construction. I will give the account in his own words. "The winter came on and I had no money and no place of refuge against the cold.

His first speech was a total failure, being received with shouts of laughter, but with characteristic courage and perseverance he pursued his course, gradually rose to a commanding position in parliament and in the country, became leader of his party, was thrice Chancellor of the Exchequer, 1852, 1858-59, and 1866-68, in which last year he became Prime Minister, which office he again held from 1874 till 1880.

It was a standing joke on the street for a long time. This was late in the '50's. In 1858-59 I built two very good houses on the south side of Howard street near Fourth. I lived in one of them about two years and then bought on the north side of Taylor street between Clay and Washington streets and resided there 17 years. Pony Express.

All are Moslems, and their superior organisation enabled them to prevail against the pagan Timnis, who in 1858-59 applied to the Government of Sierra Leone for help, and received it. Of late years the chances of war have changed, and the heathenry are said to have gained the upper hand.

Hartmann Bache, of the United States Engineers, in 1858-59, and of which the following is his own description: "Advantage was taken of the presence of the working party on the island to make the experiment, long since contemplated, of attaching a whistle as a fog-signal to the orifice of a subterranean passage opening out upon the ocean, through which the air is violently driven by the beating of the waves.

In Taranaki, in the North Island, among three thousand people in 1858-59 there was not a funeral for sixteen months. Crime, too, was pleasantly rare in the settlements. When Governor Grey, in 1850, appointed Mr.

Many years later the Duchesse de Berry lived here; and, more interesting still, here died Richard Wagner. We have seen Wagner's earlier residence in Venice, in 1858-59; to this palace he came in the autumn of 1882, an old and feeble man. He was well enough to conduct a private performance of his Symphony in C at the Liceo Martello on Christmas Eve.

RINEHART, WILLIAM HENRY. Born in Maryland, September 13, 1825; removed to Rome, 1858, and died there, October 28, 1874. ROGERS, JOHN. Born at Salem, Massachusetts, October 30, 1829; visited Europe, 1858-59; died, July 27, 1904.