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During the same year 1,034 women and girls left the brothels of Singapore, and it is apparent that we must look among these mainly for rescued cases. Of this 1,034 the following account is given: Absconded 63 Died 21 Gone to "Private Houses" 346 Married 69 To be accounted for 451 We have an explanation in the Protector's own words of what is meant by a girl who has "absconded."

Mars......141.5 1.524 0.0933 1@51'2" 0.52 0.360 1.43 Asteroids 204.4 to 2.200 0.4 to 5@-35@ 325.2 to 3.500 0.34 Jupiter.. 483.3 5.203 0.0483 1@18'41" 0.04 0.034 0.037 Saturn... 886.0 9.539 0.0561 2@29'40" 0.012 0.0099 0.011 Uranus.. 1781.9 19.183 0.0463 0@46'20" 0.0027 0.0025 0.003 Neptune. 2791.6 30.055 0.0090 1@47'2" 0.0011 0.0011 0.001 MOVEMENT IN ORBIT. Velocity compared with earth as 1.

The lightest jobs were again classified to discover how many of them required the use of full faculties, and we found that 670 could be filled by legless men, 2,637 by one-legged men, 2 by armless men, 715 by one-armed men, and 10 by blind men. Therefore, out of 7,882 kinds of jobs, 4,034 although some of them required strength did not require full physical capacity.

In the North: Maine 619,000 New Hampshire 326,872 Vermont 325,827 Massachusetts 1,231,494 Rhode Island 174,621 Connecticut 460,670 New York 3,851,563 Pennsylvania 2,916,018 New Jersey 676,034 Total 10,582,099 In the South, the population of which must be divided into free and slave: Free. Slave. Total.

In the same report it was shown that of the entire exports to South Africa during this period a large proportion had been of warlike supplies, if horses and mules for army purposes can be considered warlike in character; 28,598 horses valued at $2,698,827; 48,034 mules valued at $4,611,365.

The total expenditures of the Navy Department for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1867, were $31,034,011. No appropriations have been made or required since the close of the war for the construction and repair of vessels, for steam machinery, ordnance, provisions and clothing, fuel, hemp, etc., the balances under these several heads having been more than sufficient for current expenditures.

In comparison with the fiscal year 1928 there is indicated a fall in Federal receipts for the present fiscal year amounting to $1,683,000,000, of which $1,034,000,000 is in individual and corporate income taxes alone.

The heavier rains commence about the 1st of February, and last until the 15th of May. Then no rain falls between the 20th of May and the 1st of November. The rain averages from 12 to 15 inches per annum. In 1852 it was 12.034 inches; in 1853, 15.473 inches.

Fifty-four barometric observations, taken at the level of the water on the voyage between Dacca and the Soormah, and compared with Calcutta, showed a gradual rise of the mercury in proceeding eastwards; for though the pressure at Calcutta was .055 of an inch higher than at Dacca, it was .034 lower than on the Soormah: the mean difference between all these observations and the cotemporaneous ones at Calcutta was + .003 in favour of Calcutta, and the temperature half a degree lower; the dew-point and humidity were nearly the same at both places.