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Then said the slave to him, 'Doth it rest with me to divorce her, or with thee or the Commander of the Faithful? 'With thee, answered the Imam. 'Then, by Allah, quoth the slave, 'I will never do it! At this the Khalif was exceeding wroth and said to the Imam, 'What is to be done, O Abou Yousuf? 'Be not concerned, O Commander of the Faithful, replied the Imam; 'the thing is easy.

Then said Er Reshid, 'Bring me the girl at once, for I long for her exceedingly. So they brought her and the Khalif said to Abou Yousuf, 'I have a mind to lie with her forthright; for I cannot endure to abstain from her during the prescribed period of purification; how is this to be done? 'Bring me one of thine unenfranchised male slaves, answered the Imam, 'and give me leave to marry her to him; then let him divorce her before consummation.

Then said she, "O Nimeh, stand up, and do thou likewise, O Num!" So they stood up and she continued, "O Commander of the Faithful, she who stands before thee is Num, whom El Hejjaj ben Yousuf eth Thekefi stole and sent to thee, falsely pretending in his letter to thee that he had bought her for ten thousand dinars.

Then they carried me before El Mamoun, who said to me, "Who art thou?" Quoth I, "I am a professor of the law and traditions, and one of the associates of the Cadi Abou Yousuf." "How art thou called?" asked the Khalif. "Abou Hassan ez Ziyadi," answered I, and he said, "Expound to me thy case." So I told him how it was with me and he wept sore and said to me, "Out on thee!

In this manner the Khalif's suspicions were dispelled and Zubeideh's innocence was made manifest; whereat she gave vent to her joy and promised Abou Yousuf a liberal reward.

So he called the princess Zubeideh and said to her, 'What is that spilt on the bed? She looked at it and replied, 'O Commander of the Faithful, it is semen. 'Tell me truly what this means, said he; 'or I will lay violent hands on thee forthright. 'O Commander of the Faithful, answered she, 'indeed, I know not how it came there and I am guiltless of that whereof thou suspectest me. So he sent for the Imam Abou Yousuf and told him the case.

In the little mosque hard by Yousuf I. paid the penalty for his persecution of the gentle maiden, for there he was killed by the disconsolate knight while he was kneeling in prayer.

It remains now to but enumerate the enigmas found in all popular literature, and the satiric sayings attributed to holy persons of the fifteenth century, who, for having been virtuous and having possessed the gift of miracles, were none the less men, and as such bore anger and spite. The most celebrated of all was Sidi Ahmed ben Yousuf, who was buried at Miliana.

Now there were with her magnificent fruits, out of their season, and she knew of others in the garden; so she said to Abou Yousuf, 'O Imam of the Faith, which wouldst thou rather of the two kinds of fruits, those that are here or those that are not here? 'Our code forbids us to pronounce judgment on the absent, answered he.

It related to that known as La Cautiva, the inner walls of which are famous for their Moorish tracery. Here, it seems, a lovely Christian maiden was imprisoned, whom Yousuf I., then reigning monarch, desired to add to his harem. In vain were her pleadings, and her assurance that she was the affianced bride of a noble knight. The king still importuned the maiden, though fruitlessly.