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Hobison gave Corina a thoughtful look, then turned to one of the officers standing nearby. "Ensign Yamata?" A young female with a gold bar for collar insigne answered. "Yes, sir?" "You're assigned to Ms. Losinj until further notice. Get her a cabin and anything else she needs. You're relieved of regular watch standing." "Yes, sir!" Yamata said with a wide smile. "If you'll come with me, Ms.

Losinj?" Corina inclined her head. "I appear to be in your hands, Ensign." "You might as well call me Sunbeam," Yamata said as they left the group. "Everyone else does, even Ranger Medart, except on watch. And you heard the Captain, I'm not standing watches any more, thanks to you.

"I am hungry," she agreed, as they entered one of the elevator-like cubicles that provided intra-ship transport. "But what if Ranger Medart wants me for something?" "That's right, he called you his special assistant. Don't worry about it, Chang handles the intra-ship communications." The young Ensign spoke into thin air. "Emperor Chang?" A pleasant baritone voice replied. "Yes, Ensign Yamata?"

Sunbeam exclaimed. "If this was the Academy, I'd make you explain the system." "If I am fortunate, I will go to the Academy when this is over. May I practice?" Sunbeam assumed a mock-fierce expression. "All right, plebe. Recite!" A stern-looking Sunbeam Yamata seemed so incongruous, even on short acquaintance, that Corina purred briefly in amusement. "We came in on Deck Zero, known as the Equator.

"I merely reassured Ensign Yamata of my welfare," Corina retorted, controlling her own anger. "Ranger Medart did assign her to me; from what I have read, that places her under my command, despite my lack of military rank. She is a most conscientious officer, and " She fell silent when Greggson stepped toward her, his right hand closing into a fist.

"She might as well brief all of us at once; can you have the Command Crew here in, say, an hour?" "Yes, sir. Do you want me to have her paged?" "Don't bother." Medart grinned. "If I know our Sunbeam, she's found Losinj a cabin and taken her to Mess Three. I could use something to eat myself, so I'll go get her." Medart spotted Yamata and his new assistant almost as soon as he entered Mess Three.