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'He's left th' gate at t' full swing, and Miss's pony has trodden dahn two rigs o' corn, and plottered through, raight o'er into t' meadow! Hahsomdiver, t' maister 'ull play t' devil to-morn, and he'll do weel. He's patience itsseln wi' sich careless, offald craters patience itsseln he is! Bud he'll not be soa allus yah's see, all on ye! Yah mun'n't drive him out of his heead for nowt!

Dis yah's great an shinin casium, an should be honnad by great and strorny stivities. Now, dar ain't no stivity dat can begin to hole a can'l to a good dinna, or suppa, or sometin in de eatin line. So Ise gwine to pose to honna de cobbery ob de Probable Son by a rale ole-fashioned, stunnin breakfuss. Don't be fraid dar'll be any ficiency hyah.

'Why, man, I exclaimed, facing him angrily, 'this is not a place to sleep in. I wish to see my bed-room. 'Bed-rume! he repeated, in a tone of mockery. 'Yah's see all t' bed- rumes thear is yon's mine. He pointed into the second garret, only differing from the first in being more naked about the walls, and having a large, low, curtainless bed, with an indigo-coloured quilt, at one end.

Me advise you change your conduct, or, as sure as eggs is eggs, he send me up again for you no time. Den I gave two great 'Yah! yah's! again berry loud, and showed de white ob my eyes, and dey went down on to knees again, and I go quietly round corner ob house, and walk home wid de pig which was giben to me. Noting like stealing about dat, Massa Manley, sar!"