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There was something inspiring in this thought to the minds of the more religious members of the party when the commander announced the proximity of the sacred mountain after he had asked the blessing. "How far is Mount Sinai from where we are now?" asked Mrs. Woolridge. "I cannot tell you just how far it is at this moment, for my charts are in my cabin," replied Captain Ringgold.

"Blessed be the mother of such a boy!" The members of the Woolridge family were next presented to the trio; and the distinguished strangers had something pleasant to say to each of them. The "live lord" was only twenty-eight years old, and Sir Modava but thirty, while Dr.

"I had it on my tongue's end to mention them; but I am not much accustomed to speaking before an audience, and I forgot to do so," replied Mr. Woolridge. "But then they are engineering work, and I doubt if this company would be interested." "I was wondering where they obtained all the stone to build them in this place, where there appears to be nothing but sand and mud," interposed Mrs. Belgrave.

The captain was permitted to pass without any assaulting embraces, but Louis dropped lovingly and submissively into the arms of his mother, as did Morris when Mrs. Woolridge presented herself. Felix hung back, for he knew what awaited him. The commander stepped aside to make room for these demonstrations.

"Of course we do," replied the captain; and about all the party gathered around him to hear what he had to say. "As Mr. Woolridge said, the canal is good paying stock to the holders of the shares. It cost a vast sum of money, and it is worked and kept in running order at an immense expense." "I asked a foolish question, and I might have known better," said the lady.

"The other animals are small Malay bears, wild swine, horned cattle, and puny deer. The elephant and rhinoceros are found, few in number, in the north. The birds are the eagle, vulture, argus-pheasant, a singular and beautiful bird, peacocks, flamingoes, and swifts." "What in the world are swifts?" inquired Mrs. Woolridge.

Woolridge, as she imitated the example of Mrs. Belgrave. "My brother!" exclaimed Miss Blanche, as she divided the neck and arms of the returned hunter with her mother. "This is somewhat unexpected, Captain Scott," said Captain Ringgold, as he came forward, and took the hand of the captain of the Blanchita, who alone of the trio was not in the arms of a mother.

He was not a Dutchman; he was a German." "It is all the same thing; I have been in the habit of calling a German a Dutchman." "If you will excuse me, Mr. Woolridge, I think it is a very bad habit," added the commander with a deprecatory smile.

Woolridge, while the professor rendered the same service to Mrs. Woolridge. The rajah escorted Mrs. Blossom around the chamber, and the poor woman was in a flutter all the time. The long robe of the Indian prince bothered her, and she had been nearly tripped up several times; but her new beau was as polite and deferential as though she had been a queen.

We compare the time thus obtained with that indicated by the chronometer, and find a difference of four hours." "I see it all!" exclaimed the fair maiden, as triumphantly as though she had herself reasoned out the problem. "Four hours make 240 minutes, and four minutes to a degree gives 60° as the longitude. "Quite correct, Miss Woolridge," added Scott approvingly.