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Haddon's handsome face flushed, and she squared her trim little figure. 'Was he that when he went down the broken winze to poor Ben Holden? Was he that when he brought little Kitty Green and her pony out of the burnin' scrub? Was he all a little villain when he found you trapped in the cleft of a log under the mount there, when the Stream men wouldn't stir a foot to seek you?

On hearing the roar Richard cautioned the younger men to be prompt, but collected. No time was to be lost, but rash haste might prove as fatal as delay. He sent them on in front of him, and they rushed under and past the winze, where they were nearly crushed by the falling water, and where, of course, their candles were extinguished, leaving them in midnight darkness.

The air at the "end" of the level in which Maggot and Trevarrow worked was very bad, and, for some time past, men had been engaged in sinking a winze from the level above to connect the two, and send in a supply of fresh air by creating a new channel of circulation.

Lucky for me that your mining hats are so thick and hard, for I gave it a butt that might have done credit to an ox." "I told you to mind your head," said Captain Dan, relighting the candle; "you had better carry it in your hand in the levels, it will light your path better. Look out now here is a winze."

Here, the foot tripped over a lump, or plunged into a hollow; there, the head narrowly missed a depending mass of rock, or the shoulder grazed a projecting one. Elsewhere, pools of water lay in the path, and at intervals the yawning chasm of a winze appeared, with one or two broken planks to bridge the gulf, of twenty, forty, or sixty feet, that descended to the levels below.

In another moment Oliver Trembath, drenched and bleeding, and covered with mud, stood, or rather reeled, before them. It was evident that he was only half conscious, and scarcely able to stand. But they had no time to speak scarcely to think for the water was already boiling up through the winze like a huge fountain, and filling the level.

This winze was almost completed, but one of the men employed at it had suddenly become unwell that day, and no other had been appointed to the work. As it was a matter of great importance to have fresh air, now that they had resolved to remain day and night in the mine for some time, Maggot and Trevarrow determined to complete the work, believing that one or two shots would do it.

He fell down that winze and broke his back. When we got him up to grass he was alive, but he never spoke another word, and died the same night." "Poor fellow!" said Oliver; "I suppose your men have narrow escapes sometimes." "They have, sir, but it's most always owin' to carelessness.

Then, descending, he groped his way in the dark over the very spot where his father and brother lay dead fearfully mutilated and covered with rubbish and escaped up the shaft. In a still lower level two brothers were at work. Miners usually work in couples sometimes in larger numbers and brothers frequently go together. They were in a winze about thirty fathoms from the engine-shaft.

The greater part, however, went down to the eighty-five fathom level. East of this a man named Anguin, with his two sons, William and James youths of about twenty years of age were at work. They heard the roar of the approaching torrent, and the father and younger son James rushed towards the winze, intending to ascend the ladder.