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His Marchyniss, the lovely & ecomplisht Emily de St. Cornichon, quitted this mortial spear very soon after she had presented her lord with the two little dawling Cherrybins above dixcribed, in whomb, after the loss of that angle his wife, the disconslit widderer found his only jy on huth.

"It keeps me solid with them health, gentlemen!" Charley Biggers showed his good-natured teeth: "Health, gentlemen," he grinned. Then he hiccoughed through his weak little nose. "Joe Hopper can't rise, gentlemen, Joe is drunk, an' an' a widderer, besides," hiccoughed Joe from below. Joe had been a widower for a year.

He maintained a stubborn silence. Cap'n Sproul had picked up the hat with the tall feather and was gingerly revolving it in his hands. "You're a nice widderer, you are!" snorted Hiram. "A man that will wear a deceased's clothes in order to help him break up families and spread sorrow and misery round a neighborhood, would be a second husband to make a woman both proud and pleased.

Dey tell me a 'oman is got a right to go in mo'nin' for her husband's kin anyway; but of co'se, come down to it, she warn't no blood-kin to Pompey, nohow. Howsomever, eve'ybody knows a widder or a widderer is intitled to wear all de mo'nin' dey is; an' his wife, why, she's intitled to a equal sheer in it, if she choose to seize her rights.

Gammon; "but I was told I was in danger, and he wanted to be my protector." "Protector!" sneered Hiram. "Since he's been a widderer he's been tryin' to court and marry every woman in the town of Smyrna that's got a farm and property. We know it. We can prove it. All he wants is money!

You mightn't think it, but I haive. UNCOMMERCIAL. And a pleasant country too. WILTSHIRE. Ah! 'Tis a pleasant country. UNCOMMERCIAL. Have you any family on board? WILTSHIRE. Two children, boy and gal. I am a widderer, I am, and I'm going out alonger my boy and gal. I'll go and fetch my boy. I'd like to show you my boy.

I don't mean to dump you, nor northin' of the sort, but there ain't anything I can seem to do. You take what there is this here is all that belongs to me." He shook the valises at them. "I'm goin' to git out of this God-forsaken town I'm goin' now, and I'm goin' strong, and you're welcome to all I leave, just as I leave it. For the first time in my life I'm glad I'm a widderer."

"You being a stranger, I can let out some of my feelings," returned Mr. Files. "Emperor, you say? He might just as well try to be one as to run for the legislature." The drummer showed interest. "That's what getting to be a widderer can do to some men," confided the landlord. He placed a smutty hand on the table and leaned down. "That legislature thing ain't the half of it, mister!