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Their mother grew crosser and crosser, and at last she got back of them and gave them a push, and then down they went, fluttering and tumbling and bumping into the tree-trunks. The Father Owl sailed about from branch to branch, calling, "Who-o-o-o! Who-o-o! Come on! Spread your wings and go like this.

They tiptoed out into the wide hall and had reached the head of the beautiful carved staircase when they saw a dim form coming toward them. Esther nearly shrieked aloud, but Betty put a hand over her mouth in time. "Who who, who-o-o are you?" stammered Betty, her heart beating so fast it was painful. "Betty!" Bob stifled a gasp. "For the love of Mike! what are you doing at this time of night?"

Who-o-o-o!" and then he would sail on to another bush; but the Mother Owl flew down beside them and showed them how to spread their wings, and pushed them with her beak, and gradually the fluttered farther and farther into the darkling woods, their cries growing fainter and then dying away until all Teddy could hear was the Father Owl's voice, very faint and far away. "Who-o-o! Who-o-o!"

I thought those fairies had gone away, but they must be down there still. I'll just fly down and see, and if they are, I'll make them sorry enough." With that, down flew the Mother Owl, and putting one big yellow eye at the kitchen window, she looked in. "Who-o-o! you fairies," she cried, "are you in there still?" At first, her eye looked so very big and yellow that Teddy was frightened.

He turned on and numbered the cantos, sixteen; and then the number of verses in each canto and the total, two thousand one hundred and eighty.... Who-o-o!... It was as endless as the seven hundred and eight pages had appeared when he had staggered as far as page thirty-six.