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Katrah was a village on a long mound south of Mughar, native mud huts constituting its southern part, whilst separated from it on the northern side by some gardens was a pretty little Jewish settlement whose red-tiled houses and orderly well-cared-for orchards spoke of the industry of these settlers in Zion.

The widow, whom he had admired as a gay young matron, dwelt not a mile from him in her darkened dwelling; the fatherless boy would constantly cross the path of his well-protected, well-cared-for children. How bear the thousand little memories the trifling dates, acts, words, pricking him with anguish?

Or we would push into great lakes of swirling brown water, dotted with flat islands overgrown with reed grass higher than the head of a man. Again the water turned blue and the trees on the banks grew into forests with the look of cultivated, well-cared-for parks, but with no sign of man, not even a mud hut or a canoe; only the strangest of birds and the great river beasts.

When I think of him, it will be as sitting in camp beside a portage or holding the canoe paddle." "And you can't picture my being occupied in that way?" "No," he answered gravely; "I associate you with England with stately old houses, with well-cared-for woods and quiet valleys. There's no doubt that your place is here."

Mike has a tender heart; any body can see that who visits his nice stables, and looks upon the plump, well-cared-for horses.

But, as a rule, kings have found greater delight in some sheltered bower remote from courts than in the castled halls and well-cared-for nooks where their own wives and children have been reared with all the appurtenances of legitimacy. There are not many stories that hang persistently about the love-making of a single woman.

Thus the orphan felt almost at home, and was rejoiced to find that a little room had been set apart for her private and special use. Nor was it designed that Elsie should become a mere dependent. This was the sphere of labour for which Elsie was destined. The school was a neat, well-cared-for place the special hobby of Lady Eleanor, who seldom let a day pass when at home without visiting it.