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But the grace of God in the heart is distinguished for its purifying influence: it cleanses the spirit from guilt sanctifies it by the "washing of regeneration," and imparts a new desire, a heavenly thirst, a holy ardour for spiritual communications; so that "as the hart pants after the water-brooks, so panteth the soul after God."

It is only the wand in the hand of the magician. Though it be but a broomstick, it will open all the magic casements of earth and heaven, it will surround us with the choirs invisible, and send us forth into green pastures and by the cool water-brooks. That was Mozart's vision of the world in his brief but immortal journey through it.

It is a burning shame to imprison all the little girls in the country, to shut them in from the fresh air and the life-giving sun, from the green fields and the flowing water-brooks, from the woods and hills where health is breathing in every gale and strength is made at every bounding step.

Had he not thirsted for his soul as a hart for the water-brooks? "I am very sorry for you, Monsieur," said Charley. "It is God's will," was the reply, in a choking voice. "It will be years before we have another church many, many years." The roof gave way with a crash, and the spire shot down into the flaming debris. The people groaned.

It answers to that inner impulse which exists in humanity, and which is ever pushing the race onwards. For deeply within the heart of all often overlaid by transitory conditions, often submerged under pressing interests and anxieties there exists a continual seeking after God. "As the hart panteth after the water-brooks, so panteth" humanity after God.

The lowest portion, Judaea, is unpicturesque, ill-watered, and almost treeless; the central, Samaria, has numerous springs, some rich plains, many wooded heights, and in places quite a sylvan appearance; the highest, Galilee, is a land of water-brooks, abounding in timber, fertile and beautiful. The average height of the whole district is from 1500 to 1800 feet above the Mediterranean.

The 23d has helped many a poor soul about to take its last journey, the 37th, which begins "Fret not thyself," shows that those are truly blessed who trust in the Lord, the 51st, "Have mercy upon me, O God," teaches repentance, the 42d, "As the hart pants after the water-brooks, so longeth my soul for Thee, O God," shows the desire of the soul for God.

But alas for their would-be seeming indifference! Everybody in the lane, almost in the Widdiehill, knew every one of them, and knew him for what he was; knew that every drop of toddy he drank was to him as to a miser his counted sovereign; knew that, as the hart for the water-brooks, so thirsted his soul ever after another tumbler; that he made haste to swallow the last drops of the present, that he might behold the plenitude of the next steaming before him; that, like the miser, he always understated the amount of the treasure he had secured, because the less he acknowledged, the more he thought he could claim.